MSNBC Keeps Lying About the Dossier Being Corroborated


An MSNBC panelist named Paul Butler, a Georgetown Professor, stated on the Joy Reid show that the Steele dossier “keeps getting corroborated” by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and reporters. That is not at all true. Nothing of significance has been confirmed. Even Jim Comey said the FBI could not verify the document.

Earlier this week, Lanny Davis, the Clinton mob lawyer now representing Cohen, asserted that the dossier’s allegations about Cohen are “100 percent” false.

The dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, accuses Cohen of visiting Prague in August 2016 to work as a conduit between the Trump campaign and Kremlin.

“Never, never in Prague. Did I make that? Never, never, ever. Ever,” Davis said in an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd this past Wednesday.

“And the reason, just to let your viewers know, what we’re talking about is that the dossier, so-called, mentions his name 14 times, one of which is a meeting with Russians in Prague. Fourteen times false,” Davis added.


Sam Nunberg, a former Trump aide, corrected Butler.

“Hold on one second,” Nunberg said.

“One thing that Lanny Davis did say this week is the Steele dossier, in terms of Michael Cohen’s travel, was inaccurate. It said that he was not in Europe.”

Butler, Reid and another panelist dismissed his comments and blathered away.



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