Mueller knew in December 2017 there was no collusion but probed anyway


Greg Jarrett said the next leg to drop in the unfolding scandal of spying on the Trump campaign is the question of why Robert Mueller allowed it to go on. He knew for over a year that there was no collusion. He didn’t even make a decision on obstruction after the lengthy probe, while Attorney General Bill Barr and Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein were able to conclude there was none within hours.

According to President Trump’s former personal lawyer, John Dowd, Robert Mueller knew by December 2017 that there was no collusion.

Why did he sit on it?

It greatly deterred the President from enacting policy decisions, Fox News’ legal analyst Greg Jarrett told Dan Bongino last night.

Dowd told ABC News in February this entire Mueller probe was a “terrible waste of time” and the President has “no exposure.”

There’s no basis. There’s no exposure. It’s been a terrible waste of time. What’s worse is let’s get on the other side of this, how it all happened. This is one of the greatest frauds this country’s ever seen. And I’m just shocked that Bob Mueller didn’t call it that way and say, “I’m being used.” I would’ve done that. If I were in his shoes in this thing, I’d have gone to the– I’d have gone to Sessions and Rosenstein and said, “Look. This is nonsense. We are being used by a cabal in the F.B.I. to get even.”

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