Mueller Slapped Down! Manafort Sentence Far Less Than 19-24 Years


Special Counsel Robert Mueller didn’t get the outrageously stiff sentence he wanted for Trump’s former campaign manager.

Paul Manafort was sentenced to forty-seven months in prison for concealing millions he earned overseas. That’s a long sentence for the 69-year-old but it’s far less than the 19 to 24 years Mueller asked of the judge.

Manafort was found guilty last year of five tax fraud charges, two bank fraud charges, and one charge of hiding foreign bank accounts. His crimes were uncovered as part of the wide-ranging probe of Russia-Trump collusion.

Mueller told Judge Ellis that Manafort was not remorseful.

Manafort’s attorneys accused Mueller of “attempting to vilify Mr. Manafort as a lifelong and irredeemable felon” and claimed prosecutors had gone “beyond the pale and grossly overstated the facts before the Court.”

Attending court in a wheelchair, Manafort spoke to the judge and pleaded for mercy. He told the judge he was “shamed” and “humiliated” and asked for compassion.

Judge Ellis said that Manafort had lived “an otherwise blameless life,” and that the probation office’s guideline sentence of 19 to 24 years would be “excessive,” according to CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz.

Why would Mueller ask for such an extraordinarily out-of-proportion sentence? Judge Ellis said early in the trial that Mueller wasn’t after Manafort, he was after the President.


Manafort also pleaded guilty in a separate case in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 14, 2018, to two counts of conspiracy: committing crimes against the United States and obstructing justice.

He faces a second sentencing hearing on March 13. Mueller wants Manafort to go to prison for 17 to 22 years in that case. The judge, in that case, is Mueller friendly, but she could decide to let him serve the sentences concurrently or not.

Mueller wants him to serve a life sentence for white collar crimes that usually garner three to five years in prison. Mueller originally had him slated for 305 years in prison.

The left on social media believe justice was not served and the life sentence would have been more appropriate.

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