Non-Employee Sues Fox for “Being Coerced Into 3-Year Affair” She Continued to Help Her Career


Sleeping her way to the top, Scottie Nell Hughes.

Charles Payne, the conservative Fox Business host of “Making Money with Charles Payne”, has been suspended from Fox News. The suspension is likely the end of Charles Payne on Fox.

Payne conducted a three-year affair with a guest contributor who was also a paid contributor for CNN at the time. Her contract was up in January and CNN dropped her. She is not suing them.

Fox also decided not to renew with her earlier this year though she was never paid. She was an unpaid guest.

Payne admitted to the affair before she filed her complaint. He apologized to his wife and son last Wednesday to the National Enquirer.

The accuser, Scottie Nell Hughes, is suing Fox though she admits to trying to sleep her way to the top. She says she continued her adulterous affair – she too was married – to get a permanent job on Fox News.

Hughes is working on a lawsuit against Fox as we speak. Her claim is she was threatened into the relationship. She feared possible reprisals.

The LA Times reported: “The woman who filed a complaint with Paul, Weiss was never an employee of Fox News but appeared as a guest across numerous Fox News and Fox Business Network programs with the hope of becoming a paid contributor. She has told her lawyer, who is preparing a legal complaint against Fox News and Payne, that she stayed in the relationship with the host because she believed he would help her chances of landing a position at the network. She alleges that her opportunities diminished after the relationship ended in 2015 when Payne’s wife learned of their involvement.”

She’s trying to say he coerced her into a three-year relationship from 2013 to 2016. Oddly, it was a very open affair according to The Daily Mail. They shared at least one hotel room on a trip.

Payne denies all sexual harassment allegations that she is now leveling.

In fact, she’s a screw up and made a lot of on-air gaffes like calling Molotov Cocktails, Mazel Tov Cocktails. Maybe she thinks she’s Norm Cosby or maybe she has bells in her batfry. These women are all peas in a pocket [this is a joke].

The Fox network said they have “zero tolerance policy” against sexual harassment allegations. The zero-tolerance and their willingness to immediately settle is a mistake. They’ve opened themselves to suits by every grifter.

Payne’s wife had a heart transplant and the birth of their son was a miracle. He runs a firm he founded called Wall Street Strategies.

Charles Payne with his wife.

It’s a ridiculous claim but Fox will settle because they don’t ever stick up for their conservative hosts. We don’t support Fox cheating for three years but Ed Henry did it and got away with it. She’s seeking a pay day.

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