Nothing Says Standing Rock Like 835 Industrial-Sized Trash Bins as Cleanup Ends


The Dakota Access Pipeline cleanup has been completed.

A total of 835 industrial-sized trash bins were filled and removed by the Army Corps of Engineers. Daily Caller said they filled up bins with 8,170 cubic yards of garbage and debris which comes to roughly 11,438 tons. The final cost to the taxpayers will come to more than $1.1 million.

There was a rush to remove the trash the environmental purists left behind before the spring thaw when it would become toxic.

They left behind enough trash, in other words, to create an environmental crisis.

“Standing Rock Environmental Protection Agency and Dakota Sanitation are working together to try and advert an environmental tragedy,” said Tom Doering, Morton County Emergency Manager back in February. It took time because, in addition to the mountains of filth these people left,  authorities had to check for dead bodies and evidence of crimes.

Protecting the Dakota Access Pipeline has already cost $3.5 million.

They abandoned a number of dogs, 4 found in the last week alone.

To further agitate the dirty environmentalists, the oil will start flowing as early as next week.

The cleanup began the first week of February after the last of the so-called protesters were cleared out.

There was a lot of debris from fires the protesters deliberately and proudly set to their makeshift shelters.

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