NY & NJ Give Housing & College to People Here Illegally Before Americans


Mayor Bill de Blasio, a communist, is the worst mayor New York City has ever had. He’s ruining the city. He’s spending our tax money on illegal aliens and will now give them an edge in subsidized housing over citizens and legal immigrants.


As of Wednesday, applicants will no longer need a Social Security number or tax ID number for each adult member of the household to be considered for the lottery, as NY1 first reported.

It’s another invitation for people to come here illegally, There is also a lot of fraud in the housing program and that will get worse. Now they don’t need proper IDs?

“These new changes are a step towards promoting greater racial equity in our housing market and greater access to affordable housing, regardless of immigration status,” said Bitta Mostofi, Commissioner for the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs. “By eliminating requirements that unnecessarily and disproportionately impact working-class immigrant families and people of color, HPD continues to show our City’s commitment to racial and immigrant justice.”

They’re not immigrants he’s talking about, they’re illegal aliens.

We have plenty of minority and white homeless who are Americans and who need this housing.

It’s also unfair to landlords. He lowered those restrictions as well.

The new changes also allow applicants to wave a landlord-initiated credit check. Instead, applicants can show proof that they have paid past rent on time for a year.

Queens has the highest number of undocumented immigrants in the city at 184,000 and about 477,000 undocumented immigrants live in all five boroughs, according to the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs 2018 report.


The NJ Governor is just as bad.

The state will dole out $3.8 million worth of state funding to illegal immigrants to pay for their college tuition, a result of a bill signed by Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy in 2018.

The colleges are mills churning out indoctrinated students and the undocumented are the easiest candidates to turn.

New Jersey illegal immigrants attended 40 different schools with their state-funded tuition grants. Most notably, $1,346,974 was given through 328 separate awards for illegal immigrants to attend Rutgers University.

That amount could have paid tuition for 110 in-state students at Rutgers, BizPacReview reports.

Dale Wilcox, executive director and general counsel of the Immigration Reform Law Institute, called today’s colleges a “social engineering experiment for left-wing political causes.”

“College used to be a place for the pursuit of higher learning. Today, it has become a social engineering experiment for left-wing political causes like free college for illegal aliens,” Dale Wilcox, executive director and general counsel of the Immigration Reform Law Institute, told Campus Reform. “Parents shouldn’t pay high taxes and exorbitant tuition to underwrite this radical agenda.”

New Jersey also feeds money to two law schools that gave benefits to illegal alien students.

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