Obama Will Cancel Publicly Funded $peech if Details Released


Former President Obama has threatened to pull out of a planned speech and moderated Q &A at the University of Southern Denmark.  According to the organizer, Business Kolding, Obama will be addressing business leaders, students, and local dignitaries. 

The event has raised criticism from citizens of Denmark’s Kolding Municipality, which is kicking in 750,000 kroner, or $117,000 in taxpayer funds, in spite of the fact the town faces a deficit of 100 million kroner next year.   

The mayor, Jorn Pedersen, defends the decision, saying it’s a marketing opportunity for the town, but admits he has been kept in the dark by organizers, regarding the total cost of “A Conversation With President Barack Obama”.  

The school is convinced the visit will “boost” its prestige. “SDU is an international university with a strong vision. We wish to break down barriers and mould the future. We are convinced that President Barack Obama’s visit will give us a tremendous boost,” said Henrik Dam, the university’s vice-chancellor.

We’d offer a word of caution to those seeing our former prez as a boosting anything or anybody besides himself.  As reported on the Sentinel his recent audience attendance numbers have been pretty puny, even in sizable venues, while BHO’s record regarding pushing or pulling winning Democrat candidates over the finish line is abysmal. 

Meanwhile true to narcissist Obama’s, “after me, you come first” attitude, Danish news outlet JydskeVestkysten estimates Barack will rake in as much as two million kroner, or $312,000 for his part in the “conversation”.  

No wonder, also true to form, the ex-president wants any unflattering (or worse) details of his dealings to be kept from the public eye.  The more things change, the more Barack Obama remains …..irrationally self centered in the extreme.  

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