Obamas Want Fake Hispanic Beto O’Rourke for President 2020


Former Obama aide Dan Pfeiffer in a Monday op-ed pushed fake Hispanic Robert Francis Beto O’Rourke for the presidency, despite the fact that even with $100 million he couldn’t steal Ted Cruz’s Senate seat.

Beto is probably their best hope. They can mold him into whatever they want him to be. Everyone knows the other dirtbags. If they spend another $100 million they could make him into a Messiah.

Pfeiffer claims O’Rourke’s Senate campaign inspired more enthusiasm than former President Barack Obama’s 2004 bid for the upper chamber.

Dan Pfeiffer, co-host of Pod Save America, wrote in a Crooked Media article that he has “never seen a Senate candidate—including Obama in 2004—inspire the sort of enthusiasm that Beto did in his race.”

“If Beto were to go to Iowa City next week, I am confident he would draw a crowd three times larger than any candidate has since Obama first stumped there,” he continued.

Pfeiffer believes O’Rourke would be one of the “strongest candidates” in a crowd of — so far — 22 candidates. There isn’t a normal candidate in the batch. They are all far-left.

We doubt it!

Democrats are really pushing this far-left man.


The Obamas are producing a docudrama on Beto that Pfeiffer is promoting. Crooked Media, which was founded by former staffers of President Barack Obama (Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, and Tommy Vietor), is helping to produce the documentary.

Beto goes by the alleged childhood nickname of ‘Beto’. He uses it now to show Hispanics he’s one of them even though he’s of Irish descent and comes from wealth.

Encouraged by the support he has, Beto hasn’t ruled out a presidential run, The Washington Post reported.

“Amy and I made a decision not to rule anything out,” Beto told reporters on Monday, admitting that his position is different from the one he took on 2020 during his campaign.

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