O’Reilly on Michael Moore Describing the Far-Left’s Strategy Going Forward


Bill O’Reilly discussed the taking down of Confederate statues on his podcast tonight and he reviewed the Alinksy tactics of the far-left, succinctly laid out by Michael Moore, their chief propagandist.

O’Reilly is getting a studio and is making the podcast into a news show. If you go to BillOReilly.com, you can join. It’s inexpensive. This segment is worth listening to. Moore’s tweets at the end might make your blood boil.


There are a number things on the internet – and I don’t usually bother with the internet sites because they are vile and disgusting and I don’t want to live my life reading this stuff – but I did have a researcher look. There’s a number of things from the far left. OK.

First is from the Revolutionary Abolition Movement. They’ve issued a statement on Charlottesville. Here’s a statement from that Revolutionary Abolition Movement far left. “Our fighters showed daring and willingness to risk their own safety for the sake of others and we hold them in the highest regard. Due to their fortitude and unwavering determination the anti-fascists held their ground and succeeded in stopping the rally.” All right so their fighters. They admit it. OK.

Quote number two. “The American state is collapsing as capitalism remains mired in crisis it’s one solid position within the global order is crumbling with ever widening cracks in the state’s Foundation. Those who reap the benefits of white supremacy society and American imperialism are grasping at any chance to maintain their position in the hierarchy it legitimates.

So you get the picture. This far-left crew – again you can’t equate them to the Nazis – they stand alone – want to destroy this country.

This is from Crime Inc. or something like that. This is an article;. Again far left deal.

Quote. “It’s essential to build fighting formations capable of facing down far right violence. Fascist love to portray themselves as victims in order to claim the right to do violence to others. Their entire narrative is built around the contradiction that they are simultaneously master race and underdog victorious and persecuted.

So they’re calling for fighting formation. OK. Finally this is from the same crew.

“The police will not protect us. They murder over a thousand people every year in this country.”

This is what this crew is saying.

“And infiltrate and attack our demonstrations when we stand up against alt right terror. We have to organize to defend ourselves.”

That’s a violent call. All of this is violence. All of it. Now the reason I read it to you … and again these are fringe, far left sewer, lowest level … but so is the National Front, the Storm Front, and all these Nazi people. That it’s the same crew just different sides OK.

But the reason I read you those quotes today is that you’ll never hear that on any American news site ever.

Now the propaganda to eliminate – and that’s the word – eliminate Donald Trump has reached a fever pitch. And the people who want Trump destroyed are using Saul Alinsky’s radical playbook.

So now the thing is not only is Trump a white supremacist racist but anyone who voted for Trump or supports Trump is as well. The chief vile far-Left propagandists in this country now is Michael Moore. CNN of course had him on last night. Roll the tape.


MICHAEL MOORE: I am certain that the 63 million people who voted for him actually, the vast, vast majority of them, loved that press conference.

DON LEMON: well, not all Trump Supporters.

MICHAEL MOORE: Not all. But the vast majority.

DON LEMON: and they take offence to people calling them racist because they supported them. So how then …

MICHAEL MOORE: Yes. but what are you? Yes if you hold down the woman while the rapist is raping here and you didn’t rape her, are you a rapist? I mean let’s just really, let’s cut the BS and start speaking honesty.

So there you go. Moore is saying what the strategy is on the far left. Any one voting or supporting Donald Trump is a racist.

Now that’s marginalizing their opposition, demonizing, and trying to convince everyone that Trump is evil and so are his supporters.

Actually Moore has been doing this for months. He tweets it now.

We have something to say about this. If you support Michael Moore, you’re a communist or a fascist or both.

Bill O’Reilly has some suggestions.

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