Parts of San Francisco Worse Than “Dirtiest Slums of the World”


“We’re not going to make a huge dent in this problem unless we deal with some underlying major social problems and issues. There’s a human tragedy happening in San Francisco.” ~ San Francisco Supervisor Hillary Ronen


A new investigation by NBC Bay Area reveals the dangerous conditions
plaguing some San Francisco streets. The team examined over 150 blocks of the city, finding that parts of the city resemble third world slums.

In addition to heaps of trash, the investigation found 100 drug syringes and over 300 piles of feces throughout downtown. It’s an increasing problem.

“We see poop, we see pee, we see needles, and we see trash,” teacher Adelita Orellana told NBC. “Sometimes they ask what is it, and that’s a conversation that’s a little difficult to have with a 2-year old, but we just let them know that those things are full of germs, that they are dangerous, and they should never be touched.”

San Francisco Compared to Some of the Dirtiest Slums in the World

Based on the findings of the Investigative Unit survey, Riley believes parts of the city may be even dirtier than slums in some developing countries.

The Investigate Unit spent three days assessing 153 blocks, all littered with debris. The vast majority of trash found included large heaps of garbage, food, and discarded junk. The investigation also found 100 drug needles and more than 300 piles of feces throughout downtown, NBC reported.

“The contamination is … much greater than communities in Brazil or Kenya or India,” he said. He notes that in those countries, slum dwellings are often long-term homes for families and so there is an attempt to make the surroundings more livable. Homeless communities in San Francisco, however, are often kicked out from one part of town and forced to relocate to another. The result is extreme contamination, according to Riley.


San Francisco leads the way in solving many of the world’s problems and is home to some of the world’s richest people, yet can’t get a handle on rising homelessness and, to some extent, civic order.

It’s not for lack of trying. The city offers an open hand to help the homeless, spending $300 million per year on shelter and other programs, including more unorthodox ones such as distributing millions of free syringes to drug users.

Their policies don’t work. A once-beautiful city looks like a s***hole.

Overrun by Third World foreigners, many of whom are criminals, San Francisco is starting to look like the s***hole they left.

It’s not only that. They allow people to use the streets as toilets and doing heavy drugs in public is also okay. Any misdemeanor is pretty much okay. Break-ins, stolen cars, ID theft are not crimes that are actively pursued.

San Fran police let criminals run the city. For example, car rental agencies have to wait five days to report stolen cars. Therefore, they often try to find the cars themselves.


New York mayor Rudy Giuliani made large strides in the 1990s towards eliminating homelessness in his city through a tough approach which included sharply cracking down on quality of life infractions.

A decade ago he offered some advice to San Francisco: “The correct, loving, caring social policy is to engage, not ignore … to discourage, not encourage.” It’s an approach the city has yet to try.

This is what Democrats will unwittingly accomplish in all cities if we let them.

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