Pelosi admits she can’t let Donald Trump have a second term — it’s about 2020


Nancy Pelosi was asked at a CNN town hall about checks on the President if he is re-elected. She said, “let’s not even contemplate that.” According to her, he’s done a lot of damage to America and she doesn’t think we can sustain two terms.

Therein is the reason for the ‘impeachment without a crime’ as Professor Turley described it.

“What will the checks be on this president if he is reelected?” an audience member asked, assuming the impeachment process fails to remove Trump from office.

“Let’s not even contemplate that,” Pelosi said, with a nervous laugh. “Because [she stutters here] – that really, for the damage that this administration has done to America — America’s a great country and we can sustain — two terms? I don’t know.”

The hysterical nutty Speaker added hyperbolically, “Civilization, as we know it today, is at stake in the next election, and certainly our planet.”

That’s an opinion. Nancy and her comrades share that opinion, but it’s not a fact.

Basically, she is admitting impeachment is about keeping the President from a second term.

The damage she speaks of must include a booming economy, great job numbers, attempts to close the border, securing proper funding for NATO, avoiding wars, a good trade deal with Japan, a good deal to replace NAFTA [which Nancy won’t sign], moving close to a deal with China, standing up for the unborn, and so on. It’s unclear what damage she is so concerned about but she is an old Marxist. Her views are quite different from President Trump’s and his followers.

Watch the woman admit the truth:

Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want any more questions. Is that because she has no case? It’s rather unrealistic to expect no more questions on impeachment given the seriousness of it. But the lapdog media will probably obey.

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