Democrats have no interest whatsoever in compromise or negotiation. They will decide what is good for us and there is no give in this. All that matters is the ideology and people who disagree will be collateral damage.
Nancy Pelosi was interviewed by Paul Krugman before a gathering at the 92nd Street Y in New York on Sunday. She sent a rather alarming message.
At first, she blathered about increasing jobs, promoting prosperity, and climate prosperity with no ideas on how she would accomplish any of this.
It is Donald Trump who has increased jobs and made the United States more prosperous. Democrats didn’t do it with their high taxes, oppressive regulations, and their rules that infringe on our freedoms.
She believes Democrats have the answer just the same. She said that there may have to be “collateral damage” to those Americans who do not agree with the Democratic Party agenda.
She pontificated:
We have to have total clarity about what we do when it comes to everything — a woman’s right to choose, gay marriage … whether it’s about immigration, whether it’s about gun safety, whether it’s about climate … I think that we owe the American people to be there for them, for their financial security, respecting the dignity and worth of every person in our country, and if there’s some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it, but it shouldn’t be our original purpose.
What does that mean? This woman will be our Speaker if Democrats win back the House and she will only follow the agenda without regard for those of us who are collateral damage or have different views.
If Democrats win, it will be bad. Pelosi and her crowd will go as far left as the base wants and she will impeach anyone they want to be impeached. Democrats have already made it clear they will tie Republicans and the President up in hearings and lawsuits.
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If you thought it was bad under Obama, just wait. The next time they are in power, they will do whatever their far-left base wants them to do. We have witnessed them going in that direction and it will only get worse. They need to keep losing elections until they move back to center.