Democratic presidential contender Pete Buttigieg unveiled his immigration plan on Sunday, and in it, he reveals his intention to give every illegal alien in the country a path to citizenship.
Nothing like rewarding lawbreakers and letting the rest of the world know that we give citizenship to people who come here illegally.
He will offer all legal residents a path to citizenship as well.
“Our policies should acknowledge that immigrants are not outsiders,” Buttigieg wrote in the plan.
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They’re not?
That means another Republican will not be elected president in the foreseeable future and probably never.
“Whatever drives people to move across borders—opportunity, conflict, climate change, economic insecurity—we must welcome the stranger and respect the dignity of every person,” St. Pete said. He left out drug dealing, trafficking, to collect welfare and other freebies offered by Democrats.
The mayor of the small city of South Bend — run by Notre Dame — is reportedly leaving it worse off than it was. The crime rate has gone up under his 8-year reign. It only stands to reason he would want to give amnesty to every lawbreaker here.
He claims there are ‘about’ 11 million illegal aliens in the U.S. but at least one study out of Yale says there are 22 million.
Buttigieg is in fourth place in national surveys but recently surged to first and second place respectively in the early caucus and primary states of Iowa and New Hampshire.
His support among minorities isn’t great and this plan is meant to change that.
Buttigieg said at the 6th debate this past week that he wants to give reparations to illegal aliens and a certain path to citizenship. He claims it’s our fault that these parents — some are not even related to the children — are victims. They brought these children through dangerous territory and should be arrested for child abuse, not given reparations as they break into our country illegally.
St. Pete, the son of a famous communist professor, will halt in border wall construction and work on addressing “root causes” for why some immigrants flee their homes and countries as if that is our fault or concern.
He will reverse the President’s policies on his first day in office.
His message will be that foreigners, illegally here, are more important than the will of citizens. He doesn’t care what they want.
His Douglass Plan includes ending private prison contracts for immigration detention centers. In other words, he won’t detain very many people since ICE depends on private prisons. He’ll give illegals lawyers and he will give aid back to countries sending illegal aliens.
His policies are open borders policies and he is no moderate. He is very far-left. Socialist Democrats like St. Pete will ruin the country. It’s already well on its way to ruination and might be irreversible now.
The socialist Democrats plan to take all our freedoms and all our money.
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