Petty Rep Stops President from Painting Air Force One Red, White, & Blue


The Democrat-led House Armed Services Committee approved an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would force President Donald Trump to obtain approval from congressional Democrats before adjusting the design of Air Force One.

Petty lawmakers allegedly want to reign the President in after he suggested a change in the iconic [washed out] colors to the [really iconic colors] of red, white, and blue, the same shade we see on the flag.



On Tuesday afternoon, during a hearing on the National Defense Authorization Act, a Pentagon budget bill, the panel voted to adopt an amendment from Rep. Joe Courtney, D-Conn., that he said would prohibit cost overruns on issues like the plane’s paint and livery.

Courtney’s amendment would limit “over-and-above work” on anything “relating to aircraft paint scheme, interiors, and livery,” meaning that the Air Force would not be able to do any work on the plane beyond the parameters of the original contracts without congressional approval.

The provision still has a long way to go, though. The National Defense Authorization Act still has yet to be passed by the full House and Senate before it can become law.

On Tuesday evening, in an interview with ABC News, Trump unveiled his new concept designs for the plane. The plane would have a new red, white and blue color scheme as opposed to its current cyan, white and blue.

During the hearings on Wednesday, petty Joe Courtney, the chair of the committee’s Subcommittee on Seapower and Expeditionary Forces told his fellow House members that he just wants to ensure that the president’s decisions don’t add unexpected costs or time delays to the deal [sure, we believe that] and that Air Force One maintains a “traditional” look.

Apparently, red, white, and blue does not meet with their understanding of “traditional.”

Democrats are hopeful that even if their bill doesn’t pass, the President will be voted out and will never get to ride in a newly-painted plane or the plan will be dropped completely.

A lot of the hard-left that control Twitter were quite nasty. This fool asked if they weren’t the Russian colors. Someone needs to explain they are the colors of the United States flag.

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