Pol Governor Andrew Cuomo Likely Getting a Convicted Cop Killer’s Vote


A parole board, dominated by Democrat  New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s appointees, released Herman Bell in April of this year.  Bell, a Black Panther, was serving 25 years to life for the ambush and cold blooded murder of two New York City police officers, Joseph Piagentini and Waverly Jones.  Officer Piagentini, citing a wife and 2 young children begged for his life before Bell finished the heartless, premeditated assassination. 

Democrat pol Cuomo, apparently frightened by radical, gay, Sex in the City star and primary opponent Cynthia Nixon, is racing as far left as fast as his weak kneed legs can carry him.  In that mad scamper Andrew has done a number of things, but one of the most controversial was to, by decree,  allow 35,000 felons still on parole in the Empire State, to vote.  

How panicked is Andrew?  Very.  Shortly after Nixon entered the fray he made that contentious  announcement at race hustler Al Sharpton’s National Action Network.  Desperate for a rationale, he’s defended this huge policy switch by lying about one of the major tenants of parole.  King Andrew ruled parolees did their time. “You paid your debt”.  Both claims are false. They haven’t finished their sentence until satisfactorily completing the conditions of their parole.  Maybe that’s why an overwhelming number of states don’t allow them to vote.

So now, given all the above, should be a time of reckoning for pol Cuomo. By proclamation, and without any consideration for the devastating impact on Police Officer Piagentini’s widow and family, he gave convicted cop killer, Herman Bell a “progressive parole board” and the right to vote.  

Maybe some real reporters should ask him two simple questions.  “Governor Cuomo, are you pleased that the assassin convicted in the killing of two NYP officers can vote for you?”  “Governor Cuomo, would you proudly accept Herman Bell’s vote?”

New York Cop Killer Released from Prison Given Right to Vote Under New Cuomo Policy 

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