As we know, Sen. Susan Collins had some reservations about voting for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, but you might be surprised to find out what helped her make her final decision.
Democrats are starting to realize that Michael Avenatti hurt them with his outrageous accusations and behavior. But they fully backed him while he was doing it.
Susan Collins turned to a definite ‘yes’ after she considered porn lawyer Avenatti’s accusations about Brett Kavanaugh engaging in gang-rapes.
That was absurd. Does anyone really think these Catholic school high school boys in the 1980s were running around raping girls and no one knew? There were no witnesses, no police reports, and the accuser completely changed her testimony.
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The porn lawyer probably thought it was his path to the presidency.
Avenatti and other Democrats hurt their case with lies and absurd accusations.
Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) believes Avenatti ruined their chances to defeat Kavanaugh and he is leading a core group of Democrats leveling these accusations.
The Michigan Democrat told CNN that the lawyer, who represented Stormy Daniels in her case against President Donald Trump and announced he was considering a career in politics as a Democratic presidential candidate amid the SCOTUS sexual assault allegations, turned the story into a spectacle.
“It turns it into a circus atmosphere and certainly that’s not where we should be,” he said about the allegations raised by Avenatti and his client Julie Swetnick, adding, “at some point there were a lot of folks coming forward making all sorts of accusations”.
No kidding. Lucky for the right and for Kavanaugh they didn’t realize it at the time. They thought they could pull it off because they think Americans are very stupid.
Another Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee – who wished not to be named – said: ‘It wasn’t helpful because the story became about Avenatti.’
Dianne Feinstein is the one who insisted she wanted to hear his client Julie Swetnick’s accusation, but it was a critical error.
Republican Susan Collins mentioned the evidence against him not being reliable enough as she voted to confirm him.
Avenatti and the other buffoons who came out of the woodwork highlighted the absurdity of Mrs. Blasey Ford’s accusations. Ramirez should never have been considered. She didn’t know who flashed her 35 years before and only after asking college friends for weeks, ddid she decide it was Brett Kavanaugh.
The idea that the FBI missed gang rapes is absurd.
Democrats are blaming Avenatti for the circus atmosphere but that’s a bit much since the Democrats arranged daily lunatic screams inside the Senate during the hearings.
The absurdity doesn’t stop there.
Credible Christine Blasey’s “corroborating” witness Keith Koegler is very upset that the FBI didn’t speak with him. The only problem is she first mentioned Kavanaugh to him on June 29th of this year. Koegler claims he is a legitimate witness because Blasey told him before Kavanaugh’s name was announced.
However, Kavanaugh is the only one she could accuse and it was known in 2012 that Kavanaugh was a leading candidate.
Koegler claims one can be a corroborating witness, not an eye witness, without being at the scene.
How about knowing about it at least closer to the timeline of the so-called crime?
Corroborating means to authenticate and her mentioning it in June doesn’t mean a thing.
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