Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti Wants to Permanently Cure SCOTUS


The Democrat Party’s new hero is porn lawyer Michael Avenatti. He has an idea on how to get even for Merrick Garland. He wants the Supreme Court to go nuclear and add two more seats with Democrats who believe in legislating from the bench.

Avenatti tweeted, “In light of the Garland seat that was stolen, together with the events of today and the hiding of docs, etc., the court must be expanded to 11 seats after 2020. The Dem nominee must commit to this or not receive the nomination IMO. There is far too much at stake.”

Garland’s seat was not stolen.

Republicans followed the Dems lead. In 1992, Joe Biden said if a vacancy occurred in the middle of a presidential election year, they would not fill it — Democrat Senate, a Republican president. Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid said under the George W. Bush presidency if a vacancy occurred 18 months before the presidential election, they would not fill it.

Had Hillary Clinton won, they could have filled the seat and under Hillary, it wouldn’t have been Merrick Garland, it would have been another Sotomayor.

Judge Kavanaugh is a constitutionalist who will follow the rule of law but that isn’t what Democrats want.

What an idea. We could add seats every time a new party comes into power and would soon need a movie theater for all the justices.

Avenatti wants to be president in 2020. He is one of many oddballs in the Democrat Party who is coming forward to lead the nation.


If they can, once back in power, the Democrats will pack the court so they can legislate from the Supreme Court and there is no judicial recourse for those issues they are opposed to.

Democrats want us to believe they are upset about the Garland seat since they believe it didn’t follow the Constitution. Yet, this Democrat movement to add seats clearly violates the spirit of the Constitution.

There is a call from the left to plan for packing the courts. They hope to force Republicans to go along if need be, perhaps offering them something they want in exchange.

The Jacobin Magazine, the Think Progress Justice editor Ian Millhiser, and The Outline are all becoming more vocal about the case for court packing as is Vox and others.

Vox lauds the David Faris plan. He is a political scientist at Roosevelt University, whose book It’s Time To Fight Dirty argues for court-packing as part of a larger set of strategies to amplify Democrats’ political power, including statehood for DC and Puerto Rico, breaking California into multiple states, and expanding the House of Representatives, Vox reports.

Faris sees it as a necessity to protect the Progressive [far left] agenda. He also sees it as warranted by the behavior of Republicans. The far-left is great at rationalizing.

It’s not a new idea.

FDR tried it and failed. In 1937, Franklin Roosevelt talked about packing the Supreme Court with leftists like himself to get his Progressive agenda through without limitations. His plan included six new justices for a 9-6 majority for his New Deal. It failed the Senate but he was able to force Justice Owen Roberts to align with the liberals instead of the conservatives. Decisions regarding the minimum wage laws and the National Labor Relations Act went through because of this arrangement.

That is always the goal of the left — a one-party electoral majority.

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