Prager U asked U.C. Berkeley students, “How many genders are there?”


If you ever wondered — How many genders are there — Prager U went to U.C. Berkeley to get the answer to that burning question. The answers won’t surprise you.

I have a dictionary from 1957 and looked up the meaning ‘gender,’ and at the time, to paraphrase, gender was a grammatical term used to group or classify in relation to male, female, or neuter. Colloquial, it referred to ‘sex.’

Today, Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary has a left-wing definition and that is how it’s being defined in the universities and colleges:

Definition of gender (Entry 1 of 2)
1a : a subclass within a grammatical class (such as noun, pronoun, adjective, or verb) of a language that is partly arbitrary but also partly based on distinguishable characteristics (such as shape, social rank, manner of existence, or sex) and that determines agreement with and selection of other words or grammatical forms
b : membership of a word or a grammatical form in such a subclass
c : an inflectional form (see INFLECTION sense 3a) showing membership in such a subclass
2a : SEX sense
1a : the feminine gender
b : the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex
Those seeking state driver’s licenses in Massachusetts are closer to being able to designate their gender as “X” instead of “male” or “female.” The state Senate has overwhelmingly approved a bill that would allow for the nonbinary designation on licenses.
— Steve LeBlanc
Facebook’s message was clear when the social media network added new gender options for users on Thursday: the company is sensitive to a wide spectrum of gender identity and wants users to feel accommodated no matter where they see themselves on that spectrum.
— Katy Steinmetz

When Prager U sent one of their interviewers to U.C. Berkeley, this is what the fairly unanimous opinion was:

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