President Trump Sends a Strong Symbolic Message to America in What Is Now a Viral Video Clip


Prior to his rally in Nashville, Tennessee, President Trump stopped off at Andrew Jackson’s memorial for what became a very touching and symbolic moment on Andrew Jackson’s 250th birthday.

“He was one of our great presidents.” said President Trump of Andrew Jackson. “He loved Tennessee, and so do I,” the President said.

This is the clip that went viral:

President Trump sees himself in Jackson’s fight against the “arrogant elite”.

The left is claiming Trump likes slave traders because of his honoring of Jackson. They make themselves irrelevant when they try to take people out of their time and judge them by today’s standards. Of course, Trump isn’t a bigot who supports slavers. Jackson was a brave orphan son who was reviled by many but was the people’s president. He was a Democrat but he fought the elite — that’s the point, not his despicable attitude towards slavery which was the prevalent thinking of the time so long ago.

This brief clip explains the President’s vision.

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