President Trump Was Fully Exonerated of Obstruction Too!


This is the New York Times front page in print today and, oh, how it must have pained them.


The investigation of the President and his campaign by Robert Mueller included 19 investigative lawyers, 40 agents, 2800 subpoenas, contact with 13 foreign governments, interviews of 500 witnesses, and it cost over $25 million over 625 days.

The conclusion of Mueller’s investigation is they “did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election.” Mueller did not find that the campaign conspired or knowingly coordinated with Russia’s efforts on social media to influence the election. Nor did he find that the campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its hacking of various email accounts. All of this, “despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”

The headline is there is NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION.

The President not only didn’t collude, he rebuffed all efforts to do so.

In Barr’s words, Mueller “does not draw a conclusion — one way or the other — as to whether the examined conduct [by President Trump] constituted obstruction.” In Mueller’s words, “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

HUH? What did we hire Mueller to do? He left it to Barr to decide and, with Rod Rosenstein’s help, he did. There is none.


Barr has concluded that the elements of the crime of obstruction of justice are not present here. He states:

The report identifies no actions that, in our judgement, constitute obstructive conduct, had a nexus to a pending or contemplated proceeding, and were done with corrupt intent, each of which, under the Department’s principles of federal prosecution guiding charging decisions, would need to be proven beyond a reasonable to establish an obstruction-of-justice offense.

When Mueller left this to Bill Barr, he made him a target, gave a nugget to the Democrat media and the Democrats, and didn’t do his job. Mark Levin said he didn’t pursue obstruction because there was no probable cause — no evidence. He says Mueller did this to smear the President.

To save face, the Democrats and their media are now going to double down. They want every word of the report and details of the investigation. If they don’t get 5%, they will say they can’t concede since the answer is in that 5%. They want the wide swath of material to find anything they can grasp on to in continuation of the smearing of the President.

The President’s vindication has been marred by Mueller, but the President was fully exonerated. Some in the media and the Democrat Party won’t admit it.

Bill O’Reilly is writing a book about the Trump presidency and halfway through, he said his research shows 90% of what the media reported is untrue.


No one or few will ever pay for what they have done. Many will continue lying, knowing they can get away with it.

Check out the clips of what they said prior to the report’s conclusion:

Glenn Greenwald, a very left-wing reporter, has been highly critical of the media’s embarrassing coverage of this. It affects peoples’ view of all media. He shared this:

There is no question that Democrats will continue their coup. They won’t admit a thing.

Democrats are pretending Bill Barr won’t release the report and they have to badger him. AG Barr has already said he will share all he can.


Adam Schiff isn’t embarrassed in the least about his insistence he has seen proof of collusion. He will scream transparency to deflect. His lies were non-stop. How many times did he say he had proof of collusion and obstruction? He continues unabashed.

Schmidt’s Trying to Save Himself

Schmidt should learn to code. The arrogant and brazen man is trying to distract and save his reputation.

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