Two priests, one from Chicago and one from Colombia, were performing oral sex on each other in a car with untinted windows. A report by a witness went into police and when police arrived, the priests were still engaged in the behavior. They were engrossed.
The priests, 39-year-old Diego Berrio and 30-year-old Edwin GiraldoCortez, were charged Monday with Lewd and Lascivious behavior and Indecent Exposure after being caught performing a sexual act inside a car parked on a Miami Beach street, according to CBS Local.
They were in the front seat while doing this. It was in broad daylight for everyone, including children to see. The windows were not tinted and it was a little rented Volkswagon no less. These two are exhibitionists.
“Yesterday, we received a call indicating that two men were performing a sex act inside of a car. This is in broad daylight, 13th Street and Ocean Drive. There are no tints on the window,” explained Miami Beach Police spokesman Ernesto Rodriguez.
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The arrest reports state both men are priests from Arlington Heights, Illinois, which is a suburb of Chicago. One was a visiting priest.
The Catholic Church says they are opposed to homosexual acts and priests take a vow of celibacy. In accordance with those beliefs, perhaps the priests need to be defrocked and sent on their way or the church does not stand for what it claims to stand for and against.
The Archdiocese of Chicago said in a statement:
“We were informed this morning that Rev. Diego Berrio, pastor of Misión San Juan Diego in Arlington Heights, Ill., and Rev. Edwin Giraldo Cortes, an extern priest from Soacha, Colombia who served at St. Aloysius Parish in Chicago for one month, August 1 to August 31, 2018, were arrested in Miami on September 3, 2018.
“Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, archbishop of Chicago, has removed Fr. Berrio from ministry and withdrawn his faculties to minister in the Archdiocese of Chicago, effective immediately. The archdiocese will appoint an administrator for the Misión San Juan Diego as soon as possible.
“Archdiocese representatives have been in contact with Fr. Cortes’ home diocese of Soacha, Colombia and informed them that Fr. Cortes will not be granted additional faculties to minister in the Archdiocese of Chicago.
“It is our responsibility to ensure those who serve our people are fit for ministry. We take this matter very seriously and will provide updates as they become available.”
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