Rancher Could Be Arrested or Fined $50,000 a Day If He Messes With a Tiny Blind Spider


A tiny spider called the Bone Cave Harvestman has been classified as an endangered species in Texas. This classification is even more ridiculous than the Mississippi Gopher Frog or the Sage Grouse, the loss of which environmental extremists said would be an incalculable loss to humans.

This little spider type creature has nothing going for it except environmental extremists who want to save it.

Who cares. Let it go extinct.

They found three of these creatures on a private ranch and have halted all development. It wouldn’t be surprising at all if some environmentalist planted them there. Why would someone ever look for them and discover them?

It’s endangered because development has shrunk their caves and basically the extremists want to stop development. They are interfering in private land use.

This is unconstitutional. A lawsuit has been initiated by the landowner and it deals with the constitutionality of it.

Land owner Mr. Yearwood fears being arrested or fined by federal authorities if he should interfere with or step on the bug, though it’s unclear how federal investigators would ever know if a bug had been killed on his property.

Landowners who knowingly harm a Bone Cave harvestman or its habitat can face up to $50,000 in fines and up to a year in prison, according to a Fox News Special Report Thursday evening.

This minute, blind spider-like species which can be found only in Central Texas has been at the center of a lawsuit. John Yearwood, a rancher from Williamson County, north of Austin, initiated the lawsuit, in conjunction with the American Stewards of Liberty.

The spider is blind, does that mean it comes under federal guidelines for disabled Americans too?

Their battle isn’t against the species, which is called the Texella reyesi (a.k.a. Bone Cave harvestman), but against the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the county. And it’s not to protect the species, but to have it removed from the Endangered Species Act.

Yearwood has been up against with Fish and Wildlife for more than two years now. He alleges the species has cost his ranch and the county millions of dollars in development which has been blocked resulting from its protection.

In a statement quoted by the Daily Caller, Yearwood stated: “I welcome Texas’ engagement in support of our claims. This case doesn’t just affect my family and our property. It affects property owners all across the state. We’re grateful that the Texas Attorney General is standing up for us, and for Texas.”

March 2017 is the earliest that oral arguments are anticipated to be heard in this suit, and of particular interest is the argument that the US Fish and Wildlife Service cannot regulate commerce on behalf of a species which only exists in one state.

The outcome of this suit could have broad implications, considering close to 70 percent of all animal and plant species that are listed by the federal government as threatened or endangered would fall into this category.

The arachnid doesn’t have any redeeming qualities. When it cures cancer, let me know. Species literally go extinct every day. Someone tell the extremists, please.

To recap:

A section of the rancher’s property was needed for a road but they found three of these spiders on the property and development was halted.

This landowner can’t develop anything on his own private property and he’s terrified he’ll be arrested if someone claims he killed one of these handicapped arachnids or he could be fined $50,000 a day.

This is absurd.


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