George Soros’s Radical Islamist Babe Marches for Climate


March for Truth leftist rallies Saturday for Paris climate pact

George Soros’s Open Society Foundations are funding radical sharia-laws organizations as part of an unholy alliance of hard-left, liberals and radical, ultra-conservative Islamists.

In Saturday’s climate March for Truth, the alliance is most evident with leftists being led like sheep to slaughter by radical Islamist Linda Sarsour.

Linda Sarsour, a sharia-abiding Islamist, is being held up as a leading, liberal feminist by the hard-left and misguided liberals.

Linda Sarsour, the new face of liberal feminism is an activist for Sharia law.

At least eight Democrats in Congress teamed up with the controversial Palestinian-American activist for the anti-Trump March for Truth today.

Democratic Reps. Jerrold Nadler, Nydia Velasquez, Brad Sherman, Mike Quigley, Al Green, Robin Kelly, Jamie Raskin and Donald McEachin are among the featured speakers at Saturday’s protest, according to a press release organizers put out.

Sarsour is also listed as a featured speaker and the organization she helps lead, Women’s March, is one of the left-wing groups organizing Saturday’s protest.

Muslim liberal feminist Asra Nomani is very concerned about the strange union and, as she brings up in the next video, one of the worst icons of this alliance is Linda Sarsour who is funded in part by George Soros.

This videotaped interview was on Fox & Friends today.

More proof of the alliance of these two extremes can be seen in New York City subways. Muslim women have the right to wear hijabs, yet posters like the one below are being hung in New York City subways suggesting otherwise. It’s a lie that subtly promotes Sharia.

The poster campaign was orchestrated with the help of the hard-left mayor and his hard-left council members.

The alliance is very dangerous for the United States.

Photo credit Creeping Sharia

What does a male-dominated, radical religion have to do with women’s rights and the climate?

This next video is a few months old but very relevant. It explains who Sarsour is.

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