Update: 07/15/19: MSM lied through their teeth and our report was incorrect as a result. Attorney General Bill Barr’s father never worked with Jeffrey Epstein. It was another lie.
The far-left New York Times reported in February 1974 that Bill Barr’s father had resigned from the elite Dalton School under protest.
The far-left Daily Beast reported that Epstein did work at the school but he didn’t work there until after the summer of 1974. He was at NYU until the end of the school year in 1974. He never graduated.
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Attorney General Bill Barr recused himself from the Epstein case. He cited an old connection to the law firm Kirkland & Ellis that represented the mysterious billionaire financier and registered sex offender arrested Saturday.
The new deputy attorney general, Jeffrey Rosen, would normally take over the oversight of the case. However, Rosen also worked at the same law firm. The same goes for Labor Secretary Alex Acosta.
Then-U.S. Attorney in Florida, Acosta helped pedophile Epstein secure a sweetheart deal when he was arrested years ago.
The Attorney General might have another conflict. His father Donald, then-headmaster at Manhattan’s Dalton School, hired Epstein as a calculus and physics teacher in 1973.
Epstein was a reported math genius attending Cooper Union but hadn’t graduated and was only 20 years of age when hired. As it turns out, he was a successful teacher.
The New Yorker wrote in a 2003 profile on Epstein, “he was something of a Robin Williams–in–Dead Poets Society type of figure, wowing his high-school classes with passionate mathematical riffs.” Epstein’s mathematical skills caught the eye of Bear Stearns’ chairman, Alan “Ace” Greenberg, whose son attended the Dalton School. Greenberg hired Epstein as an options trader. Epstein amassed a fortune until he “got in trouble” and left suddenly.
Donald Barr did not fare well at the Dalton School. According to a 1974 New York Times article, the “controversial” headmaster tendered his resignation after a fight with the board of trustees. The headmaster who followed him fared even worse.
Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska questioned Barr about the Epstein case during his confirmation hearing at the beginning of the year. At that time Barr said he would have to recuse himself.
At least since May 19 of this year, the left-wing media has been eager to tie Donald Trump to Epstein. So far we know he took a plane ride with Epstein, allegedly made a statement years ago that didn’t play well, and had a falling out with Epstein fifteen years ago.
Epstein once said he collects people and he seems to have used people to his financial advantage. There is a lot more to come out, but we doubt the media is looking into the Clinton-Epstein friendship.
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