Red Diaper Baby Bernie Sanders Wants His Lunatic Followers to MOBilize


As Republicans are shot at, are sent white powder, receive death threats, get chased out of restaurants, and harassed in their homes, Bernie Sanders says Democrats have to mobilize. He refuses to reject the mobs.

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked him about the mobs and he dove right into his customary lies about healthcare.

Then he said, “I am very strongly in favor of mobilizing the American people to stand up and fight for economic justice and social justice and racial and environmental justice, and I think we have to mobilize people.”

Sanders did say something about he’s not a fan of being “rude” or “disrupting activities”.

Any of the violent loons in the party hearing this would get the clear message — keep it up kiddies!

Bernie’s a communist who wants a new world order with shared prosperity and human solidarity.

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