Red Hen Owner Runs Historic Downtown And They Just Threw Her Under the Bus


[Historic Downtown Lexington Facebook page was taken down. They were railing against Stephanie Wilkinson who has now resigned as Director of Downtown Main Street]

Apparently, Meryl Streep’s cousin, Stephanie Wilkinson, the owner of the Red Hen and a bully who kicked out Sarah Sanders and her family mid-meal, runs all of Downtown Main Street Lexington. She is the Director of the area.

Unfortunately for her, the officials of historic downtown are very unhappy with her rude, bullying tactics. She’s been thrown under the bus and rightfully so.

The representatives of historic downtown wrote on Facebook:

We do not condone the actions of Stephanie Wilkinson, owner of the Red Hen Restaurant and Director of Main Street Lexington.

The negative impact and nasty backlash towards our little community is downright appalling.

Please do not condemn our town for one persons actions.

To The People, Mr. President Trump & Secretary Sarah Sanders we sincerely apologize for the poor behavior and decision of ONE PERSON!

If you feel the need to express negative comments, please re-direct them to Stephanie Wilkinson directly. Thank You

Lexington is wonderful. There is a lot of history and it’s not an expensive place to stay. It’s a pity she’s shamed them.

The Historic Downtown officials have a poll you might want to vote in. She isn’t doing well.

If you are going to avoid her restaurant, she owns a shop called House Mountain Yarn. You might want to avoid that too.

Hypocrisy and the inability to look at oneself honestly is a Democrat trademark. Look at the sign in the window. She is spreading hate and acting like a 6th grader, but the right are the bad guys?

The sign reads, “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” Obviously, she wasn’t serious, it’s merely there as a decoration.


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