Red State Senator Backs Leftist’s Vision of an Open Border’s Future

Senator Claire McCaskill is up for re-election in the red state of Missouri and she has said over and over on the campaign trail that she wants to work with Republicans on their immigration compromise bills. She stressed her desire to “secure the border.”

However, last week she aligned herself with Kamala Harris, known as the “female Obama.” Ms. Harris hopes to become president and rule as Barack Obama has ruled.

Harris has been one of the most outspoken opponents of Republican immigration legislation and called for Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to resign.


Last Thursday, McCaskill said: “[Harris] has been a leader in this effort to make sure we have an immigration policy that is true to the heritage of this country, and not to the misguided ideas of this president,” McCaskill said.

Harris supports open borders’ policies such as sanctuary cities and supported the Oakland mayor who tipped off illegal alien felons of a raid.

Harris has also declared that California, which last year declared itself a “sanctuary state, “represents the future” on immigration policy.

Sanctuary nation, here we come!

What California Claire says depends on her audience and her votes are always with the far-left Democrats.

Who wouldn’t trust her? Especially given her deep concern for President Trump’s weight.

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