Rep. Gaetz Appears to Have Threatened Creepy Witness Michael Cohen


Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Trump ally in Congress, got himself into hot water today when he appeared to have threatened a witness the day before he is to testify. The witness is lying Michael Cohen. Gaetz spoke on the floor of the House today and that went fine, but when he tweeted, it all blew up.

Earlier today, Rep. Gaetz tweeted: Hey @MichaelCohen212 – Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat. I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison. She’s about to learn a lot….

Cohen is a despicable person but the response to Gaetz’s tweet threat has been brutal. He is being slammed on Twitter for witness tampering. People want him charged.

The hearing tomorrow is a setup but Cohen could be telling the truth or not. He’s a congenital liar so who knows.

This is the tweet in question:

It’s just a tweet. They are becoming very dangerous.

Gaetz responded

The representative was asked about it today and he said it was witness testing.

Speaker Pelosi wants the ethics panel to investigate. Fine, but it would be nice if she felt the same when Maxine pulls her stunts.

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