One of the most powerful men in Washington was shot at about 7:15 a.m. in Alexandria, Virginia by a Bernie Sanders’ supporter who vowed on his Facebook page to get Trump.
Steve Scalise was hit in the hip, is in stable condition and is expected to survive. The House Majority Whip has been in surgery since 9:05 a.m.
A staffer, two officers and the shooter were shot. It has just been announced that the shooter has died, saving us all a trial.
The shooter is James T. Hodgkinson, a 66-year old from Illinois. He is also a Bernie Sanders supporter and a unionist who wrote on Facebook, ‘Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.’
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A James T. Hodgkinson was charged with battery and aiding damage to a vehicle in April 2006 in St. Clair County, Illinois, the Washington Post reports.
It was a near-massacre and 50 to 100 shots were fired, according to several congressmen on site.
Rand Paul said he heard at least 50 to 60 shots and believes the gunman used a high-powered rifle and a pistol. Mo Brooks said it was a 100 shots.
Rand Paul said if the Capital police weren’t there, it would have been a massacre. Scalise is one of the few members of congress who travels with Capital Hill police because of his high-level position.
The field was like a “killing field” because it’s wide-open, Rand Paul said.
Five people, including the shooter, had been medivacked to the hospital according to the police chief.
Reporter Ron DeSantis said he was asked by the shooter, if they were Democrats or Republicans. The shooter asked who these guys were. Shortly after that the shooting began.
Early reports quote the gunman as screaming, “Kill as many Republicans as possible.” We have not verified that.
It is believed one of the two wounded Capital Hill officers, a woman, has a wound to her foot. Both officers are in good condition. The woman is said to have taken the shooter down after she was shot.
The local police reported that they were on the scene in three minutes and joined the two Capital Hill police.
The shooter was spotted behind third base as Republicans gathered for practice in preparation for a congressional baseball game with Democrats. Only Republicans were present.
Scalise dragged himself about 15 feet off the field after being shot, trying to save himself. The shooting went on for at least 10 minutes according to Rep. Flake.
Rep. Flake called Scalise’s wife right away so she wouldn’t hear it on a news report.
Flake also put pressure on Scalise’s wound with Rep. Brad Wenstrup when they were able to get to him. That was after the police put the shooter down. Wenstrup, a surgeon in the Army reserves who served in Iraq, said it was like being back in Iraq.
Wenstrup said the shooter was an active shooter who went from one base to another, hiding at times. At one point, he came out from the dugout with a pistol after he unloaded his rifle. Wenstrup described Scalise as very brave.
The Alexandria police chief gave a presser at 9 a.m. EST.
A witness in an apartment building across the street watched from his patio. He could smell the gunshot. People were running off the street, from the field, and hiding in buildings. Children on the street and people walking dogs were terrified.
Mo Brooks saw the shooter at third base with a rifle. He said he noticed Scalise was shot at second base . “My adrenaline was raging”, Brooks said. Without a gun, he said he felt very “helpless”.
The FBI is leading the investigation
This baseball practice is common, is well-known and there is usually no protection.
New video shows Steve Scalise on a stretcher moments after being shot during baseball practice in Alexandria, Va.
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 14, 2017
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