Report Dem IT Aides Accessed House Servers Pretending They Were Congressmen


Imran Awan with Bill Clinton

House investigators have concluded that Democrat IT aides from Pakistan accessed House servers without authorization while pretending they were the congress members themselves, the Daily Caller’s Luke Rosiak reported.

The aides were Imran Awan, his Ukrainian wife Hina Alvi, and his brothers Jamal and Abid Awan. Abid’s Ukranian wife Natalia Sova and Haseeb Rana were also involved in the Awans’ activities but departed the House payroll prior to the investigation.

The report further states that House Democrats then lied about it, claiming the intrusions were “solely a matter of theft.”

Imagine if the right did this?

Rosiak further reports:

Their behavior mirrored a “classic method for insiders to exfiltrate data from an organization,” and they continued even after orders to stop, the briefing materials allege. There are indications that numerous members’ data may have been secretly residing not on their designated servers, but instead aggregated onto one server, according to the briefing and other sources. Authorities said that the entire server was then physically stolen.

Some of the information was sensitive and not simply personal information and photos as The Washington Post reported last year.

The media doesn’t care and isn’t discussing it. If you Google it, you won’t find it. DuckDuckGo will bring it right up.

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