Reporter’s Story of a Debra Katz Sleazy Shakedown


Doug McKelway joined Fox News Channel (FNC) in November 2010 and serves as a Washington-based correspondent. McKelway tweeted his Debra Katz story Thursday.

Katz is the sketchy, radical lawyer representing Ms. Blasey and whose firm once represented porn lawyer Michael Avenatti’s client credible Julie Swetnick.

“In the mid 1990s, I was anchoring for NBC4 in D.C.,” he wrote. “She sent a fax to us alerting us to a racial discrimination suit she was filing against Bank of America. It was late Friday afternoon. I read the suit. It was incredibly weak, smelled of a shakedown attempt.”

He tweeted, “Went to her office with camera. Got miked up. I told her it smelled of a shakedown attempt, and I was familiar with the technique of late Friday accusation, too late for deep pocketed organization to respond with its multi-layered PR office in some distant city. The story would stew over the weekend, prolly result in a settlement, sparing her the hard work of trial preparation.”

“She then ripped the mike off, called my lefty news director, who then called me, and pulled me off the story. It’s riveted in my memory. Always thought she was sleazy, and I guess my news director was, too.”

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