Ret. Adm. Rogers warned Trump & is now talking to US Attorney Durham


Retired Admiral Michael Rogers has been talking to U.S. Attorney John Durham for months. Durham is criminally investigating the origins of the Russia-Trump probe and the apparent spying. This investigation is really heating up and if there is any justice, heads will roll. This mustn’t happen again.

The Intercept reported, “Retired Admiral Michael Rogers, former director of the National Security Agency, has been cooperating with the Justice Department’s probe into the origins of the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump presidential campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, according to four people familiar with Rogers’s participation.”

Rogers met with the prosecutor, U.S. Attorney John Durham several times according to sources. He cooperated voluntarily.

“Rogers, who retired in May 2018, did not respond to requests for comment.”

The report added, “Shortly after Trump won the presidency, Rogers traveled to Trump Tower in New York, where he provided an unsolicited briefing to the then-president-elect. Rogers informed Trump that the NSA knew that the Russians interfered in the election, according to three people familiar with the briefing. Despite delivering what Rogers told a confidant was bad news, Trump would keep Rogers on as NSA director while dismissing Brennan and Clapper.”

Admiral Rogers possibly warned the President about the activities of the Obama administration in other words. He knew about the flurry of unmasking — spying — of American citizens.

After that, Brennan and Clapper wanted him fired for briefing the President without permission. They claimed, however, he wasn’t doing a good job.

Instead, the President fired Brennan and Clapper and kept Rogers.

Brennan and Clapper will have to speak to Durham according to Politico and NBC News. The NY Times reported that Durham wants all of Brennan’s correspondence and other documents related to the fake dossier.


According to former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, Joe di Genova in April of this year: “Admiral Mike Rogers, he discovered the illegal spying, he briefed the chief FISA court judge, worked with her for months. The Justice Department has been notified of the names of those who lied and Bill Barr is well aware.”

When Rogers went to Trump Tower, di Genova says Rogers warned the President-Elect that Trump Tower might be bugged. Trump immediately moved his offices to New Jersey.

Then-Director Rogers in May 2017 told the FISA court he became aware of unlawful surveillance and collection of U.S. persons.

Rogers was at the heart of all the spying, not engaged in it, and some of the spying/unmasking he deemed illegal. he warned the President-Elect.

Now the admiral is talking to prosecutors.

According to Rogers in this clip, the system wasn’t working on 702 surveillance (spying) until he put a stop to it. He intercepted members of the Obama administration using FISA 702 (17) inquiries (the ‘abouts’) to spy on then-candidate Donald Trump. FISA was ‘doing queries against U.S. persons’. It was with the help of foreign powers.

Expressing his concerns/responses before Congress:


It began without predicate and continued without justification.

Rep. Ratcliffe said he has seen the documents that show the spying took place before the alleged predicate and the Crossfire Hurricane probe began July 31, 2016, as Comey alleged. Not only that, it continued without proper provocation, even if they did have predicate to start the probe.


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