Some on the right have been very weak in repelling the efforts by Democrats and other never-Trumpers to overturn the 2016 election. Today, we even have some calling for surrender or showing signs of shifting sides. We have to fight those who would give in.
This President never had a honeymoon period after his election, quite the opposite. Barack Obama and his minions made certain there was no peaceful transition of power. The Obama administration spied on him, created a fake dossier, and a two years + fake probe attempting to tie him to Putin. Now they are turning an innocuous Ukraine phone call and political move into a conspiracy while conspicuously ignoring the Bidens.
The Obama embeds slow-walked all executive orders and the Democrats in Congress wouldn’t let him appoint his staff.
They won’t sign trade deals and fight him on every single thing he does.
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Now they are trying to pin the results of this divisive mess they created on the President, not only with a beefed-up Ukraine problem but also with other issues like immigration.
For example, Democrats made immigration into a racial and political issue. They want open borders and have the policies to do just that. After all that they have done to make illegal immigration political, PBS Frontline is going to blame the President for turning immigration political. They have a propaganda film coming up tonight called Frontline, Zero Tolerance. The show is pure gaslighting.
Then we have a so-called journalist at The Washington Examiner, Fred Barnes pinning this Ukraine mess on Trump, quoting anonymous people calling him names like egotistical and bombastic, and suggesting he resign — wave the white flag, let the wrongdoers win.
“It will worsen,” Barnes writes, “We’ve never had an impeached president running for a second term. Might Trump step down to avoid putting the country through this ordeal? Knowing what we do about him, there’s no chance of that. The 2020 race will be a fight to the death.”
Step down?
There has always been a divide but too many times, true Republicans have taken the easy way out. No more! Right now Trump has far more enthusiastic supporters than he had when he won the Presidency.
Barnes writes, “Assuming the president is impeached, the scene shifts to the Senate, where Republicans have a 53-47 edge. Even if there are GOP defections, Trump should easily survive since a two-thirds Senate vote is required to convict him. For that to happen, it would take the disclosure of powerful evidence of wrongdoing by the president — that is, considerably stronger stuff than the text of Trump’s phone conversation with the Ukrainian president.”
Evidence of wrongdoing??? Based on what? These are the same people who concocted Russia-Trump conspiracies.
Trump is the VICTIM here! He has done nothing wrong.
The choice we are given is to accept these unAmerican tactics for the greater good, or as Barnes wants, just give in for the greater good. We are told to abandon our one chance to beat the socialists because the President is just too bombastic or something. Instead of helping the President in his Democrat-induced tribulations, there are Republicans who won’t help and would rather see the Democrats take over.
This is a coup and this can’t be rewarded.
As Rep. Biggs wrote for The Washington Examiner, “Democrats are seeking to overthrow Trump, duly elected by the voters, with no regard for rules or due process. They might be politicians, but they have more in common with the leaders of a military coup than they think.”
Democrats are preaching communism and socialism. They don’t have one rational candidate and yet, Republicans don’t want to fight. People like Fred Barnes want us to reward this lawlessness.
We can choose star chambers in perpetuity, let the establishment take over, and allow the bureaucrats to eat away at our system and destroy our freedoms or we can let the fighter — Donald Trump — continue fighting.
They have been after this President from day one to destroy the right.
While POTUS’ hand was on the Bible being sworn into office, Pennsylvania Ave was already lined up w people calling for his impeachment.
Charges, Facts, Evidence, Legitimacy, Credibility & Fairness are just irrelevant obstacles to their coup as they try to reverse an election.
— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) October 21, 2019
Never give up! Always choose freedom! Fight! We have an imperfect man who is the perfect man for this fight.
During a segment of The Ingraham Angle last night, Rep. Andy Biggs mentioned that Adam Schiff will no longer allow any Republican, including Republican members of his committee to view the transcripts of the hearings. The only reason to do that is to set the President up with a sham impeachment. If they had the evidence of wrongdoing, they wouldn’t have to do this.
This is what they want us to surrender to?
Watch the entire segment:
An Amb can be recalled by POTUS at any time WITH or WITHOUT cause. The recall of Yovanovitch is just 1 more desperate, dead end impeachment angle for the unhinged left. This batteries not included “impeachment inquiry” is so off. @RepAndyBiggsAZ @RepChrisStewart @IngrahamAngle
— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) October 22, 2019
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