Roseanne Tells Brandon Straka Why & How They’re Killing Her Character


Roseanne Barr said Monday on Brandon Straka’s YouTube show that the Democrat Party isn’t liberal. It’s been taken over by the extreme left. She’s concerned people don’t see that. It’s not social justice at all, it’s Stalinism, she added.

Brandon Straka is the originator of #WalkAway. Both he and Roseanne agreed the Democrats have gone too far left and they’re both shocked they are now Republicans.

The two talked about mass mind control by the left and the fact that they control the media. Roseanne also talked about the anti-semitism that moved into the Democrat party of late.

The interview is very interesting. It gives insight into what preceded her dismissal from the show.

Originally, she was talked into going back to do her TV show and was promised they would have her back. She said when you hear that in Hollywood, run the other way.

Roseanne discussed the tweet that pulled her off the show. At about 41:00 on the tape, they talked about the meaning behind the show killing off her character, a Trump supporter — they are killing those Americans who support Trump.  Both agree it is a dangerous message.

They went far beyond just firing me, she said, they made sure I had no contact with or control over anyone or anything concerning the show.

The comic thinks she knows how her character is being killed off. She said that her iconic ABC character will be killed off by an opioid overdose for the upcoming spinoff of “Roseanne.”

“Oh yeah, they killed her,” Barr told conservative activist Brandon Straka on his YouTube show “Walk Away.” “They have her die of an opioid overdose.”

Mr. Straka talks about his march on D.C.

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