A Russian-British academic, a spy & Mike Flynn! A Must Read!


Svetlana Lokhova is the Russian-British academic who was labeled a Russian spy in cahoots with Michael Flynn after she dined with the General at a dinner at the University of Cambridge in 2014.

She is a By-Fellow of Churchill College, University of Cambridge, and was until recently a Fellow of the Cambridge Security Initiative jointly chaired by the former head of MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove, and Professor Christopher Andrew, former Official Historian of the MI5.

She claims spy Stefan Halper was behind the false allegations provided to U.S. intelligence that she attempted to compromise Michael Flynn at the event held at Cambridge in 2014.

After Halper was exposed as a spy in the NY Times and The Washington Post, stories appeared suggesting Lokhova was a spy for Russia linked to Flynn. She was born in Russia but is a British citizen.

Interesting Facts

President Barack Obama was in charge when General Flynn went to the now infamous Russia Today (RT) dinner in Moscow and was photographed at a table sitting next to Putin. It was the Obama Administration that renewed General Flynn’s security clearance four months later.

The only President fully briefed on the General/NSA Flynn investigation was Barack Obama.


The following string of tweeted comments by Ms. Lokhova has to make you think about how much the media might be lying to us. It should terrify people. The media can ruin peoples’ lives and they have no conscience whatsoever.


Ms. Lokhova has gone after the Wall Street Journal in particular and wants them to retract their story which she says are filled with lies. This string of tweets by Ms. Lokhova should concern Americans. It needs investigation.

Ms. Lokhova’s Tweets

“Known dirty-ops guy for the FBI Stefan Halper told in 2017 that I had an affair with based on Halper’s observation about a dinner Flynn and me attended in Cambridge in 2014. Except I’ve always said Halper was not at that dinner, a new report just confirmed that.”

“The real reason: they did not want us to know FBI spied on Trump campaign using a dubious character Halper, and ‘his role in an obviously unethical if not criminal spying operation during the 1980 presidential campaign,'” she tweeted. [She is referring to Halper’s spying on the Carter campaign]

“Despite this, told senior people at my university that I had an affair with Flynn. When they had the audacity to contact me, just after I gave birth to my first child, my partner responded that allegation was baseless, upsetting and hurtful, that their source was malicious.”

Many witnesses confirmed the accusations were false.

“Despite knowing that allegations were false, and the fact that were told that ‘Ms Lokhova is currently unwell and your enquiries have made that condition worse’, they went on to publish a false story based on fake ‘intelligence’ of Stefan Halper.”

“We complained straight after publication: “The article contains incorrect information. This is in addition to the malicious and false allegations you have made about [Lokhova].” refused to retract or even amend the story.”

The Dinner Was Harmless

“Prof Kent who was also at dinner wrote to “The dinner was a formal dinner with assigned seating, so it would have been impossible for Ms Lohkova to have approached [Flynn]…It clearly shows that Peter Martland sat on Mike’s right hand and that Chris sat on his left.”

“Prof Kent also wrote that ‘everyone who attended that dinner was clearly acceptable to Sir Richard Dearlove and posed no security risk; otherwise they would not have been allow to attend.’ However, none of this was included in the hit job on Flynn, they refused to amend.”

“What followed was over a week of phone calls by my partner trying to unsuccessfully get to retract or at least amend their article, with calls taking place in the middle of night (time zone difference with UK) whilst I was trying to calm down a crying newborn.”

They Were After Flynn

“When my partner asked why did they need to plaster my name across the headlines, said they could not understand why I was so upset. They said they were not trying to get me, they were after Flynn!”

Ms. Lokhova’s lawyers wrote and she retweeted:

“The WSJ “have deliberately sought to give the impression that our client had an ulterior motive and that she had initiated contact with a view to initiating some form of subterfuge or espionage on the part of the Russian Government.”

..”to achieve the purpose of your article, which was clearly to impugn Mr Flynn’s character, it was a requirement to portray Ms Lokhova and her behaviour as so suspicious that it left the reader in no doubt that she was an agent of an “adversarial power”

…”You painted this distorted picture of events by deliberately omitting to inform your readers that this was an anodyne and unremarkable meeting which was not suspicious in any way.

..”.your article contains a number of fundamental factual inaccuracies which were clearly calculated to mislead readers”

“The monied WSJ responded with a long letter disputing legal technicalities. The highlight was to argue that a report naming Russia as an adversarial nation dated Dec 2014 justified calling Russia an adversarial nation in February 2014. Pointless waste of money to continue.”

Ms. Lokhova retweeted this:


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