Sally Yates Framed Mike Flynn, Get a Lawyer Sally


Nick Short tweeted some of the twenty pages of a confidential letter sent from Trump’s lawyers to Robert Mueller in January and leaked to the NY Times this weekend. The letter was intended to highlight the reasons Mueller did not need to subpoena President Trump.
One section in particular is very concerning.
In it, it quickly becomes clear that Sally Yates was told Michael Flynn did not lie and that was further confirmed by James Comey. Yet then-deputy attorney general Yates told the White House there were concerns that Flynn made false representations and would be subject to blackmail.

She also told the White House they could take action against Flynn and acknowledge he was surveilled. That also means there was likely no investigation as Flynn had said twice. In fact, he was told he would not be charged.

There was no reason to believe Flynn was guilty of anything or would be charged, yet Yates told the White House to take action.

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