Salvador Vasquez-Oliva Slaughters Four Family Members, Two Are Children


A week after a quadruple homicide stunned a south Land Park neighborhood, Sacramento police said the suspect initially confessed to the crime to his cousin.

Salvador Vasquez-Oliva, 56, an El Salvadoran, killed his wive 45-year-old Angelique Vasquez, their 14-year-old daughter Mia, their 11-year-old son Alvin and a 21-year-old niece Ashley Coleman.

According to the criminal complaint, Vasquez-Oliva “personally used a deadly and dangerous weapon, to wit, a blunt force instrument” with “malice aforethought” in the killings of his wife, Angelique Vasquez, 45, their 11-year-old son Alvin Vasquez and their 14-year-old daughter Mia Vasquez.

A knife was used to kill Coleman, the complaint alleges.

When officers arrived at the home, they picked the lock and discovered, what the police described as, a “horrific crime scene.”

The alleged murderer appeared in court and one of his lawyers said “it’s very tough”, meaning it was tough on his client.

Reporters were not allowed to film the murderer from the waist up. Why?

During an interview, he said “This is what happens. The world does not let you be nice.” A roommate who lived with him a short time said this was “crazy” – Salvadore was a nice, meek guy. Of course he was.

Salvadore used a translator and wouldn’t speak English though he was a county employee for more than a decade according to some reports.

Both Vasquez and his wife have been in the country for about 11 or 12 years. Their children were born in the United States.

The immigration status of the parents is not available anywhere on the net from any legitimate source. It is odd, however, that the murderer fled to the sanctuary city of San Francisco where he was arrested. Even if he didn’t flee over his legal status in the country, he probably saw the city as a safe haven for criminals.

In any case, whoever screened him, if he even was, should have their credentials taken away.

The children were in 5th and 8th grade. Both loved sports. Alvin played basketball and Mia was a goalie on the school’s soccer team. The children were looking forward to swimming in their pool in the summer.

urtesy photos Photo of Angelique Vasquez, 45, (right) and a photo of Ashley Coleman, 21, (left) provided to KCRA 3 by her mother

When officers arrived at the home, they picked the lock and discovered a “horrific crime scene” after the cousin called them.

Police Capt. Dave Peletta told this information to a group of neighbors gathered for a community meeting, but not until six days after the bodies were first discovered.

He was arrested in the sanctuary city of San Francisco on March 23 and charged with four counts of murder.

All reporting on this story seems to have stopped the end of March and we never did hear a motive other than the world doesn’t let you be nice.

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