California continues to be a leader in poverty, host to massive numbers of poor illegal immigrants and champion of the welfare state. It’s not likely to change any time soon.
Citizens and the middle class are being exploited so illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities.
The Los Angeles County officials are telling foreigners how to get “free” money and benefits from hard working Americans.
The notice specifically states that it won’t affect immigration status.
Free medical care, one-time payments, non-cash benefits, emergency relief, transportation vouchers, housing assistance, child care services, educational assistance and more.
This notice was posted on reddit. I couldn’t confirm the source of the notice but if you check the LA County Department of Public Social Services, you will find all these services are available and it doesn’t look too hard to get most of it without being a citizen.
Sanctuary locales funnel money into illegals who then support the politicians. The entire state of California is a sanctuary state.
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A $10 million dollar legal defense fund has been set up to keep illegal immigrants.
A 2014 study released by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) found that providing education, health care, law enforcement, and social and government services to illegal aliens and their dependents costs Californians $25.3 billion per year according to FAIR’s report The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on California Taxpayers. The state’s 3 million illegal aliens and their 1.1 million U.S.–born children cost the average California household — headed by a U.S. citizen — $2,370 annually.
Conditions in some areas of the state “are like a third-world country” made worse by the multi-year megadrought. There is no backup plan.
A profligate state like California, has failed to reduce the growth in its spending and continues to face sizeable deficit and accumulate debt. Gov. Brown predicts a $4 billion dollar deficit by the summer of 2020.
The pension fund investments are at or below zero percent annually. Of all fifty states, California has the second highest pension debt. Alaska’s was higher at $110,538 though for different reasons.
California, now a Democrat Socialist state, has a depressed economy with one-party dominance which is a direct outgrowth of liberal policies and massive illegal immigration. A few areas, mostly in the Bay Area’s technology industry, are doing well, but the job-growth rate is mediocre, the unemployment rate is 10th highest, and underemployment rate is third highest. California is Number 1 in poverty with nearly a quarter of Californians impoverished.
In 2012, The Wall Street Journal calls California’s dive into a welfare fiefdom nothing less than a Greek Tragedy:
California’s rising standards of living and outstanding public schools and universities once attracted millions seeking upward economic mobility. But then something went radically wrong as California legislatures and governors built a welfare state on high tax rates, liberal entitlement benefits, and excessive regulation. The results, though predictable, are nonetheless striking. From the mid-1980s to 2005, California’s population grew by 10 million, while Medicaid recipients soared by seven million; tax filers paying income taxes rose by just 150,000; and the prison population swelled by 115,000.
California, once the land of plenty, is the land of poverty.
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