Sanctuary USA! Illegal Alien Terrorists Under Obama Got a Free Pass


ICE faces challenges not being met in the screening of terrorist illegal aliens. ICE isn’t properly screening or doing background checks because of a lack of oversight and poor management. There is also a problem of communication with Homeland Security and no access to illegal alien terrorists possibly in sanctuary cities/states.

The Inspector General’s (IG) office conducted an audit into ICE screening of illegal aliens who have ties to terrorism and found they are not identifying and holding terrorists here illegally and do not have the legal authority to hold them if they are on the US Consolidated Terrorist Watchlist.

The IG concludes that ICS needs a better infrastructure, expanded process and more staff. The IG concluded the problems stem from weak oversight and poor management.


All throughout the Obama administration, illegal aliens were not properly screened for terrorist ties, presenting a threat to national security. ICE has 2.4 million aliens on their docket for monitoring but they don’t monitor or, as they call it, continue screening of them.

Between 2013 and 2015, ICE was not screening illegal immigrants who had been released for terrorist ties.

All screenings of suspected terrorists the IG reviewed contained errors. Out of 142 cases of illegal aliens detained as “known or suspected terrorists”, the IG reviewed 40 and all were riddled with errors.

Nearly half of those were missing background checks. ICE did not always run initial background checks, “contact the appropriate external personnel at the required points in the process,” or “fully document its actions.”

In 10 cases of known terrorists, there was no reporting as required and no hard copy.

ICE blamed it on weak oversight and management.


Once illegal aliens are released under ICE supervision, they are not screened again or monitored. And there is the problem of coordination with other vital agencies.

ICE field offices do NOT have access to the Department of Homeland Security’s classified networks, which enables them to “communicate about derogatory information related to known or suspected terrorists.”

The inspector general also came out against sanctuary cities, saying local law enforcement agencies that refuse to cooperate with ICE prevent the government from “screening many other criminal aliens” and identifying “possible terrorist connections.”

We are in a pre-9/11 mentality with terrorists who now possess dirty bombs. The problem developed under Barack Obama but continues under President Trump.


How many Failures of Information Sharing can we accept in America before corrective action?

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