Secret Service Agent Is “With Her”, Won’t “Take a Bullet” for Trump


Kerry O’Grady is a U.S. Secret Service agent in charge of the Denver office. She also posted to Facebook in October that she supported Hillary Clinton and would not “take a bullet” for the GOP candidate. When she was contacted by The Washington Examiner, she said she didn’t mean she wouldn’t take a bullet for Trump or his other officials.


“But this world has changed and I have changed. And I would take jail time over a bullet or an endorsement for what I believe to be disaster to this country and the strong and amazing women and minorities who reside here,” wrote Kerry O’Grady.

“Hatch Act be damned. I am with Her [Hillary slogan].”

In another post she claimed the nation was moving “into a period of bigotry, misogyny and racism that this country has not tolerated for decades.

“Dark ages. I am horrified and dismayed beyond words,” she wrote.

The Hatch Act forbids federal officials, excluding the president and a few others, from engaging in certain political activities.

She didn’t care about that Act obviously.

O’Grady’s job “oversees coordination with Washington-based advance teams for all presidential candidate and presidential trips to the area, including all upcoming or future trips by the president, vice president or Trump administration officials.”

Her bosses received at least one complaint and they are looking into it.

The Washington Examiner said two rules apply to Secret Service agents as it concerns social media: They may not post on social media comments that advocate for or against a partisan political party, candidate for partisan political office or partisan political group. They also may not use any email account or social media to “distribute, send or forward content that advocates for or against a partisan political party, candidate for partisan political office, or partisan political group.”

In an extended interview, O’Grady told the Examiner she took the Facebook post down, adding that she wasn’t trying to imply she wouldn’t take a bullet for Trump or any officials.

She told the publication, “It was an internal struggle for me but as soon as I put it up, I thought it was not the sentiment that I needed to share because I care very deeply about the mission.”

“I’m proud to do it and we serve the office of the president,” she told the Examiner.

She said it was in reaction to the Billy Bush audio. She had experienced a sexual assault in college. She was just “emotional”.

Don’t you love these feminists who use their femininity when it suits them?

“But I recognize that the agency is the most important thing to me. My government is the most important thing to me,” she told the Examiner. “I serve at the pleasure of the president, but I still have the First Amendment right to say things.”

She’s Not Honest

It’s hard to believe anything she says. Nothing has changed since October. She put the Women’s March on her Facebook cover on Inauguration Day.

O’Grady commented to one person on her page that “all of these women represent me! Proud to say it! #nasty.”

#nasty as in crazy Ashley Judd.

Late on inauguration day, she posted her profile picture to an artist’s rendering of the Princess Leia character in the “Star Wars” movies with the words, “A woman’s place is in the resistance.”

The Resistance is a name used by DisruptJ20, the leftist Hollywood celebrities and others gearing up to battle Trump on every issue.

Her statement to the Examiner for the story said: “I serve this country with pride and I proudly diligently and fiercely protect and support the institutions and pillars of our republic established by the very same document that allows my free expression. I do so with every fiber of my being for the very reason that those institutions are in place to guarantee my right and the rights of all our citizens to voice and express our opinions and beliefs even when and especially when those values may be contrary to those of the party in power. My devotion to mission and country is only strengthened by the fact that the founders recognize the value of dissent and the freedom to assemble and voice those opposing convictions. They enshrine those rights for future generations so we avoid the path of authoritarian regimes that shackle their people with fear.”

There is no doubt in my mind that she wouldn’t take a bullet for a GOP official. What do you think?

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