Senator Durbin has worked with the NAKASEC-affiliated HANA Center for several years, mainly to promote their pro-illegal alien amnesty/pro-DACA agenda. NAKASEC is a radical organization that is part of a nationwide North Korean support network.
This is the man Senator Lindsey Graham describes as “trustworthy” and “honest”.
The HANA Center is a merger of Korean American Community Services (KACS, founded 1972) and the Korean American Resource and Cultural Center (KRCC, founded 1995). The group is the Chicago affiliate of a nationwide federation, the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC), which also incorporates the Los Angeles based Korean Resource Center and a NAKASEC branch in Annandale Virginia.
Trevor Loudon reports that they have a long history of Anti-American and pro-North Korea activism.
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A woman named Tereza Lee claims she is the inspiration for Durbin’s original 2001 DREAM Act. She too is tied to the Hana group.
Noisy Room reports:
Tereza Lee has been the poster child for DACA. Dick Durbin was near tears that could rival those of Cory Booker crying over the word “s***hole” on the Senate Floor advocating for amnesty for Tereza Lee’s family. What Durbin fails to mention during his propaganda speeches on Tereza Lee, however, is Lee’s ongoing, hard-core pro-illegal immigration activism…
…Just two months before Dick Durbin had his secret meeting with the HANA Center, the group hosted the literal terrorist murderer Rasmea Odeh of the Arab American Action Network as their “honoree” for a “gala event.” Odeh is infamous for her role in the murders of the young Jewish boys Edward Joffe and his best friend Leon Kanner in a Jerusalem supermarket on February 21st 1969.
Durbin’s meetings with Hana have been secret.
The story can be read in full at New Zeal and at Noisy Room.
He met with Hana last summer for a strategy meeting according to the Hana website.
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