Sen. Grassley’s Amazing Smack Down of Leftist Bernie


Bernie Sanders has been engaged in a virtual Twitter tirade blasting his followers with misinformation about Judge Kavanaugh. He also sent an ill-intentioned letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley demanding an investigation into Brett Kavanaugh’s truthfulness in describing his drinking and sexual habits in high school 36 years ago. He is a very angry dolt.

Scott Jennings shared Grassley’s response which very politely and sarcastically, made Sanders look ridiculous.

Republicans are showing some real gumption.

Grassley reminded the angry leftist that Sanders spoke of the necessity to “mobilize the American people to defeat” Judge Brett Kavanaugh less than 24 hours after President Trump had named him as the official nominee to the Supreme Court.

It is obvious that Bernie is unfair and has ulterior motives in his opposition, as Grassley insinuates in his response.

It is more of the vicious political gamesmanship that has become increasingly more tense and fiery as the confirmation nears.

Grassley then presented the enormous body of work and decisions and testimony needed to be reviewed yet Bernie took 24 hours to make his decision.

He then noted Sanders lack of professionalism, making another allusion to his having acceded to partisan politics.

“Your public statements clearly reveal how unimportant it is to you to review any facts related to this nomination,” the Republican chairman began.

The letter concludes with a caustic sentence suggesting Sanders and his colleagues are engaging in delays and other perverse tactics to block the nomination.

“I appreciate your raising concerns, which others have already raised, at this eleventh hour.”

He burned the Bern.

It helps that Democrats were so obvious this time. Many came right out and said this is what they are doing.

The GOP is fighting as they watch a good man be utterly destroyed by soulless people in the so-called party of caring.

It’s impossible to say how all this plays out in the kangaroo court of public opinion but the GOP was getting killed anyway. It is always better to go down fighting for truth.

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