Sen. McCain Excoriates Trump for Not Rolling Over for G7 Partners


Senator John McCain was livid over statements made by President Trump before and during the G7 Summit.

Prior to his departure for the G7 on Friday, President Trump told reporters at the White House, “Why are we having the meeting without Russia being in the meeting? I would recommend — and it’s up to them, but Russia should be in the meeting, it should be a part of it. Whether you like it or not, and it may not be politically correct, but we have a world to run.”

It was a suggestion only, but thinking outside the box is not allowed.

The ailing senator from Arizona, John McCain, condemned President Trump for that statement and for his negotiation tactics with our “allies”. That would be the allies with whom we have trade deficits and who hope to redistribute U.S. wealth under various schemes such as the Paris Accord. Our politicians have been poor negotiators and continue to support their own failed tactics.

The terminally ill Senator McCain remains at home writing his anti-Trump memoirs and missives for his library and for posterity.

Mexico has been invading the U.S., robbing us of wealth. The EU is a Socialist Collectivist organization that has been robbing us of jobs and wealth for years. They do it while smiling and patting us on the back. Canada balks at a 25% tariff on steel and a 10% tariff on aluminum as our industries collapse while they levy a 270% tariff on our dairy products. It’s a one-way street.

Anti-Trump McCain hyperbolically blasted away on the Russia recommendation, “The president has inexplicably shown our adversaries the deference and esteem that should be reserved for our closest allies. Those nations that share our values and have sacrificed alongside us for decades are being treated with contempt. This is the antithesis of so-called ‘principled realism’ and a sure path to diminishing America’s leadership in the world.”

As Europe moves further and further left, we don’t necessarily share all their one world values.

Globalist McCain despises the concept of “America First”, interpreting it as contempt for others. Loyalty and sovereignty are not American in his view, bowing to foreign nations is the world order he envisions.

Our allies, especially Mexico and China, are picking our pockets while grinning from ear to ear.

America must always be on the hook under his policy of Noblesse Oblige.


Never Trumper Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) called the move “weak,” saying, “Putin is not our friend and he is not the president’s buddy. He is a thug using Soviet-style aggression to wage a shadow war against America, and our leadership should act like it.” The condescending Sasse is implying the President is too naive to see the danger in Putin’s Russia. Actually, Sasse doesn’t see Russia as part of the world.

Failed Senator and lame duck Jeff Flake (R-AZ) chimed in, saying in his typical condescending tone, “No, Russia should not be added to the G-7.” He knows it all.

Chuck Schumer said, “President Trump is turning our foreign policy into an international joke, doing lasting damage to our country, without any rhyme or reason.” His understudy, Dick Durbin (D-IL) said in a tweet, “Now watch President Trump grovel at the feet of our adversary and punish our strongest allies.”

If those two hacks don’t like Trump’s suggestion, it can’t be bad. It is the Democrats who groveled at the feet of Putin. They did it with uranium mines, military secrets, and abandonment of the Eastern European missile defense system. It is the Democrats who bowed to Iran.

President Trump has taken a meat grinder to the swamp and the swamp is rising up. It’s no longer business as usual.

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