The Senate Judiciary Committee is looking very closely at the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration for possible involvement in what could be a political scandal far greater than Watergate.
Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senators Grassley and Graham, are investigating the use of the dossier by the FBI to unmask and spy on the Trump campaign. If they did, it will be a political scandal that is nearly unrivaled. If true, a campaign document was produced by a presidential campaign, dressed up as intelligence, and used to spy on another presidential campaign.
This really is the type of government interference in an election one sees under a KGB. It’s police state tactics. Once a government becomes more powerful and bigger than the people, it can happen.
Recently, the same Judiciary committee sent a criminal referral for former British spy Christopher Steele to the FBI for investigation, accusing him of lying about the dissemination of the dossier.
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Steele was hired by Fusion GPS to conduct research about any possible ties between Donald Trump and Russia.
The letters seek all the potential information surrounding the events surrounding election interference. They are trying to discover if most of the interference wasn’t by the Clintons, the DNC, and even the FBI. Was it they who colluded with Russians?
According to CBS News, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, have now sent letters to the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Hillary for America (HFA), former DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz, former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile, Clinton ally John Podesta and HFA chief strategist Joel Benenson, seeking records and information they might have about Steele’s contact with the FBI.
The letters have been uploaded to the Internet.
DNC Chair Tom Perez, a close ally of Barack Obama, also received a letter with similar requests. In the letter to Sally Yates, they ask about Hillary for America.
A similar letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray has been sent. Wray has continually stonewalled and possibly lied to Congress. Take the disappearing and “recovered” five months of text messages that the FBI says they will not share with the congressional committees.
The letters asked deeply probing questions about their role in the dossier and the role of Christopher Steele in the dossier.
The committee chairs are attempting to find out if and to what degree the FBI relied on Steele’s dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.
Before the surveillance was authorized, the congressional investigative committee wants to know the source of the funding for the dossier, if the document was verified, all information surrounding Steele’s, his client’s, and his sources, motives, including any and all information involving contacts with the press.
In the letters, they wrote:
“The scope of our review includes the extent to which the FBI may have relied on information relayed by Mr. Steele in seeking judicial authorization for surveillance of individuals associated with Mr. Trump. It also includes whether any applications that may have been made for permission for such surveillance fully and accurately disclosed: (1) the source of Fusion GPS’s and Mr. Steele’s funding; (2) the degree to which his claims were or were not verified; (3) the motivations of Mr. Steele, his clients, and his sources; and (4) representations about their contacts with the press.”
John Podesta and Hillary for America are on the hot seat and you can read the letter and the host of probing questions on this link.
A lot of people are now tied to the probe in some way. In the Podesta letter, the committee chairs ask for all the communications between March 2016 through January 2017 of:
Fusion GPS; Bean LLC; Glenn Simpson; Mary Jacoby; Pter Frisch; Tom Catan; Jason Felch; Neil King; David Michaels; Taylor Sears; Patrick Corcoran; Laura Sego; Jay Bagel; Erica Castro; Nellie Ohr; Riat Akhmetshin; Ed Lieberman; Edward Baumgartner; Orbis Business Intelligence Limited; Ortis Business International Limited; Walsingham Training Limited; Walsingham Partners Limited; Christopher Steele; Christopher Burrows; Sir Andrew Wood; Paul Hauser; Oleg Deriaska; Cody Shearer; Sidney Blumenthal; Jon Winer; Kathleen Ravalec; Victoria Nuland; Daniel Jones; Bruce Ohr; Peter Strzok; Andrew McCabe; James Baker; Sally Yates; Loretta Lynch; and John Brennan.
Could these people be tied in some way to a conspiracy to influence the election and later, overturn it?
The names are fascinating. You’ll notice the names on the last two lines. McCabe’s on the list and, currently, he is refusing to turn over his text messages which have been FOIA’d by Judicial Watch. Wray has refused to fire him allegedly.
Sir Andrew Woods is on the list. He is the man who told Senator McCain about the dossier in not so many words. Ahmetshin is a Russian spy; Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska is a Russian businessman tied to Putin; Mary Jacoby is Glenn Simpson’s wife who wrote many a story about Paul Manafort. All the names on the list are fascinating. In June of 2017, Sara Carter wrote a story about these same characters.
There are strange ties to the McCain campaign. Some of the same people played a part in questions of Russian influence in the John McCain 2008 election.
A decade ago, concerns of Russia ties muddied McCain’s presidential campaign. The same people were involved: foreign lobbyists Paul Manafort and Rick Davis; Russian Oligarch, Oleg Deripaska; Russian Diplomat, Sergey Kislyak; and Putin.
McCain even met twice with Deripaska, the Russian businessman and Putin ally. Manafort and Davis arranged it.
McCain and his staff had knowledge of the Russia ties during the 2008 campaign. Manafort was known to be working for the political party in Ukraine supporting Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, who was backed by Putin.
Manafort was spreading propaganda to favor Putin and his ally. This was in opposition to President Bush’s policy. Bush was concerned about Yanukovych’s ties to Putin.
Even U.S. intelligence raised concerns with McCain’s staff about Manafort. McCain’s office was also warned by U.S. intelligence of the possible ties to Russian military advisers.
Manafort was questioned by the FBI at that time. His partner Rick Davis repeatedly tried to bring Manafort into the campaign. Davis himself left the campaign for a while but cried his way back to the campaign. A McCain aide said Davis literally cried every day to McCain. Neither Davis nor Manafort gave up their Russia ties.
Did McCain warn candidate Trump? If not, why not?
They are clearly probing the players in the compilation of the dossier, including the FBI, and the consequent unmasking used as an excuse to spy on the campaign. They are trying to discover how Russia fits into the equation and they are looking closely at the Clinton campaign involvement. Clinton’s team is known to rig elections. They did help the DNC neuter Bernie Sanders. John McCain’s involvement also cannot be overlooked. Did he sincerely believe the Trump campaign was looking for Putin’s help, was he a dupe of the left, or was it vengeance?
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