Sleazy Fusion GPS Firm Is Still Investigating Trump-Russia Collusion

Investigative reporter for Circa News and Fox News contributor Sara Carter doesn’t know who is funding Fusion GPS but she does know Fusion GPS is still funded to continue the Trump-Russia investigation/witch hunt according to her sources.

Someone(s) are still paying these characters despite the sketchiness of their operation being exposed.

According to Sara Carter, she could not get a comment from the Fusion GPS officials – they couldn’t be reached.

That firm is a sleazy operation digging up dirt without verifying any of it, to trash opponents of their clients. They got most or all of their dirt for the dossier from Russians.

They do the majority of their work for the left and have done a fair amount of work for far-left firms funded by George Soros.

Sara Carter reported last week that the dossier “certainly played a role in obtaining the warrant” that was used to spy on members of Trump’s campaign.

The Washington Times reports that the firm’s co-founder Glenn Simpson was upset he couldn’t get the New York Times to run the dossier story before the election.

Christopher Steele, the shady British spy who authored the document, argued there was an extensive conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russians to hack Hillary-related emails. The NY Times reported the opposite: “Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. And even the hacking into Democratic emails, FBI and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump.”

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), chair of the National Security Subcommittee has asked Speaker Paul Ryan in a letter to declassify documents given to the committee and connected to the dossier.

Sen. Feinstein released Glenn Simpson’s testimony with a strange explanation, thinking it would help her side, which it didn’t. Selective leaking should not take place. Put it all out.

De Santis said this would be the first step in getting to the truth.

“Congress needs to determine the role played by Fusion GPS in the Russia matter and that includes any current Fusion activity,” said DeSantis.

Congressional investigative committees are now looking into the Obama State Department to determine if they had a hand in the dossier, according to the Washington Examiner.

State apparently disseminated reports from the British spy who authored it. In fact, Steele wrote over 100 reports for the State Department.

It looks like a conspiracy to take down the President.

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