Sleepy Joe gave his performance an A+ after bumbling through the debate


Sleepy Joe Biden gave himself an A+ for his performance at the debate but he was anything but good. He stammered, bumbled, sounded befuddled, said nothing of substance, and made a fool of himself.

The entire debate was dystopian, but Joe stood apart from the other socialists as a man who should never be allowed near a debate stage, much less the Oval Office.

The moderators gave Biden a pass on Ukraine and Anderson Cooper actually vindicated his son without any investigation or evidence.

Aptly named sleepy Joe, the once-frontrunner bizarrely mentioned George Washington, gun control, ammunition magazines, and more.

“We have to focus on why it’s so important that we remove this man from office… George Washington worried on the first time he spoke after being elected president that what we had to worry about is foreign interference in our elections. It was the greatest threat to America,” said Biden.

It’s not even true but the moderators slept through that.

We have a supercut for you:


Joe is out warning Democrats they better not repeat any of the ‘false’ stories about Ukraine. He sounds a bit fascist here.


In 2016, then vice president infuriated a Gold Star family who lost their 20-year-old son and husband Army Pfc. Tyler Iubelt, The Washington Examiner reported.

Four people were killed in the attack and 17 were wounded in the suicide bombing that killed Pfc. Iubelt.

Biden was the one who showed up to greet the families as their loved one’s bodies were brought into Dover. The father, Mike Iubelt said, “It was a horrible conversation, it was a horrible experience.”

Joe complimented the widow, telling her she was too pretty to be a widow. Then he let the family know he didn’t know why we were there.

“Well, unfortunately, they’re a 14th-century country, they don’t want us there, they’re never going to change,” Biden said of Afghanistan, according to Charlotte Loquasto, the fallen soldier’s mother.

Biden made his comments, the family said after the Gold Star mother asked him what could be done to prevent tragedies such as the one that claimed the life of her son, whose wife Shelby had given birth to a daughter just months earlier.

As Vice President, he didn’t know why we were there.

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