A DA who doesn’t think it’s a crime break into people’s homes or commit a sex crime could soon be San Diego’s district attorney thanks to the dark money of the hard left. She should go over well with the #MeToo people.
Geneviéve Jones-Wright is a far-left candidate running for district attorney in San Diego who has attended Soros-Brock dark money conferences. She has already been funded up to $1.5 million by these same groups, according to an accounting by the Free Beacon.
If you want to know what her idea of criminal justice is, think about the Broward County Promise Program. Now think of it for hardened criminals, and then put it on speed.
Jones-Wright thinks sex-crimes aren’t criminal, suspects should be let out without bail, and breaking into peoples’ homes isn’t a crime because it is one of the ‘quality of life’ issues.
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Jason Poe, her opponent’s campaign strategist, told the Washington Free Beacon that Jones-Wright “has fully embraced his [Soros’s] positions on decriminalizing sex crimes, closing jails and prisons, and eliminating bail” and added that that she is “committed to not enforcing what she calls ‘quality of life crimes’ like breaking and entering and other things that are not necessarily violent crimes.”
Soros’s Brand of Globalist Communism
Soros wants to create as much chaos as he can to take us down. He sees the U.S. as creating all the evil in the world. He has coralled his billionaire and millionaire friends through his Democracy Alliance organization. They hole dark money conferences to lay out plans that will destroy the Republic. The ultimate goal is to replace it with “Democracy” aka Socialism or Communism.
Soros is the new Cloward and Piven. Read more about the plan on this link.
Summer Stephan, the current district attorney in San Diego, is highlighting Soros’s influence on the race, launching. He launched a website, Threat to San Diego, highlighting the “anti-law enforcement $$$ is coming into San Diego,” Free Beacon reports.
This is what is going on throughout the country with Philadelphia being the most recent. He will pour millions into these small races. The goal is always to get the furthest left candidate elected to push his far-left idea of justice.
Since a lot of minorities and illegal aliens are in our prisons, his solution is not to help them stop committing crimes. But rather to help them avoid justice. It’s all meant to take us down.
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