Starbucks’ ‘Pig’ author/barista apologizes to officer she insulted


A new officer was working Thanksgiving day, risking his life to save others, when he went to Starbucks to buy coffee for the dispatchers as a surprise gift. A barista put the word ‘PIG’on the cup.

The Chief, Chief O’Mara thanked all of the first responders who were working over the Thanksgiving holiday and offered some words of advice.

“If you’re looking for coffee use a place where you pour your own and you’re certain of what’s in it,” he wrote. “Stay safe; go home.”

Starbucks commented on the chief’s post on Thursday night, calling the incident “totally unacceptable and offensive to all law enforcement.”

“We are deeply sorry and have apologized directly to the officer who experienced this,” the company wrote, adding that they would also like to apologize to the entire department directly.

“We have launched an internal investigation into this matter,” Starbucks added.

Chief O’Mara responded to the company on the same thread and said he did not blame the corporation for the mistreatment his officer endured.

The barista was suspended during the investigation. The person said it was supposed to be a joke only to be shared with the co-worker.

That has to be one of the worst jokes.

The suspended barista apologized to the officer.

“I appreciate you reaching out to my officer, and I also appreciate the employee reaching out and apologizing on her own,” Chief O’Mara wrote. “Our society needs a touch of old fashioned civility restored. Maybe we could use this bad event and convert it into something better.”

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