Hollywood actor Sean Penn should go live in Venezuela, the socialist country he promoted. Penn was Hugo Chavez’s PR man. He won’t move there however, because he won’t live with with the failed system of socialism he espouses. Socialism in Venezuela is a failure, but it’s not the socialists Penn reviles, it’s the capitalist Donald Trump.
The people are starving in Venezuela and we have a shocking video at the end showing the hungry Venezuelans beating cattle with rocks.
Sean Penn accused President Trump of being an “enemy of compassion and of the state”, adding he is “an enemy of mankind”. Penn is the son of an accused communist who is one of the most pro-Chavez actors in Hollywood.
Penn also met with drug kingpin El Chapo to discuss “the policy on the war on drugs”. The next day, El Chapo was arrested and Penn sorely regretted it. Penn fancies himself a journalist of the hard-left.
In an op-ed for Time Magazine published online Friday, Penn railed hyperbolically that Trump is “an enemy of Americans, Republicans, Democrats, Independents and every new child born”.
“An enemy of mankind. He is indeed an enemy of the state,” Penn added.
Hie response came on the heels of Trump’s alleged comments about Haiti being a “s***hole” country.
We don’t even know if Trump made the comment. He denies it.
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The A-list actor is the man who found Hugo Chavez – who raped his own once-wealthy country – an “inspiration”, and who claimed Chavez was “not a dictator by any international standard”. He has also supported Castro and felt “lucky” to sit down with him.
Food riots grip the now-impoverished country of Venezuela as starving people are reduced to beating cattle to death with rocks.
Four years of recession and the world’s highest inflation have plunged millions of Venezuelans into poverty, and President Nicolas Maduro’s authoritarian socialist regime faces mounting unrest, Reuters reported.
The disaster began with Hugo Chavez. Current President Maduro merely continued the Chavez socialist model.
In this shocking video, you can see the starving people chase down cattle and beat them with rocks.
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