Strzok’s Paramour Lisa Page “Interned” in the WH “Under Clinton”


Fox News has another breaking story the rest of the media won’t cover. New texts reveal Lisa Page, the former FBI lawyer who dallied with former agent Peter Strzok, interned under Clinton.

The two lovebirds exchanged tens of thousands of emails, many of which plotted ways to stop Trump. They also colluded with the media, planting stories to damage the Trump administration.

The DOJ has kept thousands of these emails secreted. This new email was given to Fox News exclusively and it is stunning.

In it, Lisa Page refers to her time interning under Clinton.

“Get inspired and depressing reading that article about how Obama approached the mail room,” Page wrote Strzok on Jan. 19, 2017 – the last day of the Obama administration. “Needless to say, it was very different when I interned there under Clinton.”

The article they were discussing was a Jan. 17, 2017 story in the New York Times Magazine entitled “To Obama With Love, and Hate, and Desperation,” which described eight years of mail that poured through the mailroom.

In the text message exchange, Strzok tried to engage Page in a discussion about her time in the internship.

“How was it different?” he replied.

“Will have to talk in person,” answered Page. “It’s hard to describe. More of a rote have to respond to the mail exercise.”

Too bad she didn’t answer his question. More details would have been helpful. One must wonder what other ties exist to this mess and the Clintons. They seem endless. The Clintons have their tentacles everywhere.

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